While this was a rumor for a while, it appears that the speculation has come true.
Per the Columbus Dispatch, the Cleveland Indians will officially have their Triple-A affiliate located within the state of Ohio in the form of the Columbus Clippers - formerly the affiliate of the Washington Nationals. The Indians former Triple-A affiliate was previously known as the Buffalo Bison, located in upstate NY. (Sorry Sabres. No more baseball for you!)
This is great news for fans of the Indians, as well as residents of Columbus, as this now places the Triple-A rung not all too far from the big boys, and within another major city in Ohio - a state in dire need of income. With the Double-A Aeros in Akron and the Single-A Captains in Eastlake, most Tribe fans will now be within spitting distance of some Cleveland baseball!
Indians, Clippers. Clippers, Indians. | WaitingForNextYear
HD, When did the Yankees leave Columbus ?
I thought they were still there.....
Are they building the new place down by Nationwide Arena ?