Might Fox News and the Fox suite of channels be the next battle ground for Dish?

I guess I just dont understand wishing that a channel be dropped, as I know that we will see no savings from it.

If I do not like a channel, I simply do not turn it on.
But in all honesty that is why the companies created locks. I have all the "women hater" networks out of my guide.
Heck Directv changed over the Oprah Network since it was new it didnt show in my favorites from the get go :)
Iceberg said:
umm you said more than that. The 1st post Scott deleted. The 2nd one I did

if it involves politics or religion then yes it would too ;)

Ice, I must said my God of Hockey is angry at all of us die hard deciples.

Serious Hanover Pretzels, Iceberg is right. Scott is right. Go to your local newspaper's website and blog your beliefs there.
Just saying that with all the channel drops we have had in the last few months, I would not mind in the least if they drop Fox. I would be 100% for DISH dropping it if they decide that Fox is asking too much for their channel carriage. IF it keeps my bills from spiking unnecessarily, I back dropping the channel as opposed to hiking the price paid for one channel. And YES, I do use my LOCKS menu to block channels I do not LIKE.:D
ESPN is just a shell of it's old self, no more do we see curling or roller derby, now we are subject to made up trivia shows and ignoramuses (ignorami) arguing incessantly about nothing.

The only decent programing they carry is live sports and they have shaved it down so that it is only a few that are covered.

They might not like the results if they were dropped and not missed by most subscribers.

I only watch college football and maybe Monday Night Football on ESPN anymore - the rest is trash programing - not worth my time or money.
I have moved this one to the general area since it appear FOX News is gearing up to battle all pay tv providers. This one is not a DISH issue... (yet) :)
I think Fox News is potentially a bigger risk for lost subs if it drops than many other channels.

Using AMC as an example, it's usually a series or two a viewer watches one night a week for three months a year or so. With a news channel, a regular viewer watches it every day, whether it's in the morning with their bagel, or the news after work. Even if a viewer never watches more than 15 minutes at a time, it's much more ingrained as part of their daily routine. If pulled it's likely to be missed sooner and remain an annoyance longer for those viewers.

The concept applies to all the news channels, but particularly to Fox because there aren't any alternatives for the right-leaning crowd.
I very occasionally watch reruns of Two and a Half Men on FX, but that's basically it

Of course, I say that, and then today's Terps game winds up on FX, so here I am watching it.

That's one of the problems that comes in with not having any channel in particular if you're a sports fan- even "non-sports" channels seem to sign themselves a random package of sports games here and there, so you need the channel. Even SyFy has wrestling, if you wanted to count that as a sport (It's scripted and has predetermined outcomes, but athletic, so borderline). If we ever went ala carte, that'd just get worse- every channel would look to add something that would force you to add it, and you'd wind up with all the channels anyway at a higher total cost buying them one at a time.
and lets leave politics out of it.,..thanks

It is hard to COMPLETELY leave politics out of a discussion of Fox News. the network is widely viewed but the real issue with dropping it would be the fact that it has a cadre of hard core supporters (which is not unudual for cable channels) but in this case that cadre tends to be people with right of center views.

Don't get me wrong. While I would not fall into that group I don't favor eliminating the channel and even watch it regularly because I like to get my news from a variety of sources. But the situation is what it is.