I have been a D* Customer for three years now and decided to switch to E*. With D* I have three HD-Tivo's (HR10-250) and really couldn't be happier with them. I have three Home Theaters in my home and I run each HD-Tivo via HDMI only. The reason I am switching is becuase I hear E*'s HD PQ is much better then D*'s and also the HD selection is better on a National level. Also I live in Colorado and E* is a Colorado-based company, so I thought I would support the home towne team. I bought one VIP622 on Ebay last night and I will be leasing two of them through E* directly. My fear though is that the 622 is not as good as the HD-Tivo when using only HDMI, which for me is the only option. Did I make a mistake by switching to E*? How do the HD-Tivo and 622 Compare?