Math Sucks!

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Original poster
Apr 18, 2008
Heres what I dont get.
Im not saying all math sucks it's that stuff that you learn after 6th Grade.

What is the point of learning this stuff?
In all the things I have ever done, building computers, carpentry, working on cars, etc. I've never needed anything beyond Junior High Math.

It a sad world,
Do you know that The HS that I go to, you only need to take P.E. For 2 years, and only one for one quarter those two years?
Thats why half the kids in school are lard asses.
They should have us take P.E. EVERY DAY.

There's a P.E. class called Outdoors. Where you hunt and fish. THAT is optional, that should be taught as a requirement. You need to learn how to do that, If your on a plane and it goes down, your gonna starve.

Another class that needs to be taught is MANNERS. Im tired of the arrogant, High Class a-holes that think there a step above everyone else.

So that leads us to this. Why is this putrid, brain killing, gut wrenching, satan's alphabet that is called alegbra is taught? Who needs it?

A very small group of us are going to be mathmaticians. So unless your going to be that, you dont need it.

Who, I ask who, has EVER been HAPPY to take math?

Why is this pointless stuff taught, is a waste of time, why dont we have a required class to see what brands of toothbrushes do better then others?
In all the things I have ever done, building computers, carpentry, working on cars, etc. I've never needed anything beyond Junior High Math.

Well if you can do all those things I guess there is no point for upper level math :rolleyes:

Way to shoot for the stars and dream big about what you are capable of doing in the future...
*JOKE ALERT EVERYBODY BE CALM (or maybe I need the manners class :))*

Some of you guys need to go back to Jr. High English.

You are = you're NOT....not your
They are = they're....NOT their

I actually enjoyed upper level math classes....I've never used them, but I enjoyed figuring out the puzzles. I think Math helps train YOUR :) brain to think logically.
The upper level classes are to expand your thinking. Algebra is used in carpentry all the time BTW! Try and figure out a compound miter without it... And I don't mean "eyeball it and get it close enough for government work" either. :D The 3-4-5 rule to get things square is nothing more than the Pythagorean theorem.

BTW there is a word with four totally different meanings depending on the usage: Miter.

In automotive work, algebra can be used to figure out compression ratios when you bore out the block. It can also be used to calculate the size of the headers you really need as well as how to make your custom motor most efficient with the right volume exhaust manifolds and pipes. It can also be used to calculate the flow of liquids/gasses so you can figure out if the extra bend in the exhaust pipe is causing too much or not enough back-pressure on your engine.

In computers there is an entire new level of math if you are talking about designing new circuitry. ...especially now that even quantum mechanics are being thrown into the mix. Snapping pre-built components together like a tinker toy doesn't require higher math, but designing the stuff that goes in the components you are snapping together does.

I used to think the way the OP thinks about higher math and even English (and Spanish), but then I grew up!

See ya
I know that SkiHi has already addressed this, but I'm going to play a little bit with Techfizzle's English skills. Anything in red is a correction to his tirade.

Heres what I don't get.
I'm not saying all math sucks it's that stuff that you learn after 6th Grade.

What is the point of learning this stuff?
In all the things I have ever done, building computers, carpentry, working on cars, etc. I've never needed anything beyond Junior High Math.

It's a sad world,
Do you know that The HS that I go to, you only need to take P.E. For 2 years, and only one for one quarter those two years? (If you are going to use a numeric 2, the second one should be the same)
That's why half the kids in school are lard asses.
They should have us take P.E. EVERY DAY.

There's a P.E. class called Outdoors.(change that period to a comma and make the 'w' in where lower case) Where you hunt and fish.Change this period to a comma as well) THAT is optional, that should be taught as a requirement. You need to learn how to do that, If you're on a plane and it goes down, you're gonna starve.

Another class that needs to be taught is MANNERS. I'm tired of the arrogant, High Class a-holes that think they're a step above everyone else.

So that leads us to this. Why is this putrid, brain killing, gut wrenching, satan's (Satan is a proper name, capitalize that 'S')alphabet that is called alegbra is taught? Who needs it?

A very small group of us are going to be mathmaticians(mathematicians). So unless you're going to be that, you don't need it.

Who, I ask who, has EVER been HAPPY to take math?

Why is this pointless stuff taught, it is a waste of time,(change that comma to a period and capitalize the 'W' in why, this is a natural sentence break) why don't we have a required class to see what brands of toothbrushes do better then others?

I really love math. it's incredible what you can do with calculations. math is the only universal language that exists. :)
You can thank Math for every piece of technology in your life. TV, Cell Phone, MP3 player, Computer, Internet, Car, you name it.

Incredibly complex math goes into the engineering and design of just about every product made, high tech or not.

And Algebra is just the beginning.....
You can thank Math for every piece of technology in your life. TV, Cell Phone, MP3 player, Computer, Internet, Car, you name it.

Incredibly complex math goes into the engineering and design of just about every product made, high tech or not.

And Algebra is just the beginning.....

You can thank Math for every piece of technology in your life. TV, Cell Phone, MP3 player, Computer, Internet, Car, you name it.

Incredibly complex math goes into the engineering and design of just about every product made, high tech or not.

And Algebra is just the beginning.....

Ding, ding, ding.....:up

I use calculus nearly every day on my job. Also vector analysis, 3d geometry, binary, octal and hex arithmetic, etc. I also consider that stuff arithmetic. MATH is thew thoeretical stuff you take when you want to understand why this stuff works and how the universe is put together. Worth it for its own reward.

Math is the basic tool of engineering. People use the stuff we build without understanding what it took to design and build it.

Look, I can understand that someone who doesn't want to pursue a technical career may not need some of that higher level arithmetic, but even carpentry and plumbing requires a basic understanding of geometry and algebra.
Not to draw incoming fire, but....

I LOVED algebra! I always viewed it as pretty simple. Yes, I know it's not that way, if you don't have a knack for it. And geometry class was recreation time. In these classes, and Intro to Physics, I ended up tutoring or grading papers for the class before the semester was out. And yes, I do in fact use these skills in everyday life.

Only calculus gave me some pause, and I did not have enough time to devote to it. I still plan on taking a home study course in it, just because I want to better understand it. The only "C" I ever got in courses where numbers were involved. :(

My undergraduate degree was in Accounting, and they did not allow me to take a double major, Physics and/or Computer Science. Had to go to grad school for that, plus the HR Master's.

OK, brag mode off. I wish you luck in getting thru it. My only advice is two fold: Try to not view it as so difficult; and look for books on the topic outside of school. I found that sometimes an aftermarket book could make something look a whole lot simpler than the textbook written by some guy who seemed to be trying to show he'd mastered something exceedingly difficult.

OH- and go to the library. They can help.
You can also do the most interesting things with math when you do something wrong:

Three people split a meal. When the bill comes it's $30. Each person pays $10 for their share. When the waiter gets to the cashier, the cashier tells the waiter that there is a special and the meal is only $25. and gives the waiter $5 singles to return to the diners. The Waiter decides that he cannot equally divide the $5 among the 3 diners so he gives each one of the 3 diners $1 and pockets the remaining $2.

Each diner paid $10. They each got $1 in return. That means each diner paid $9. The waiter kept $2 as a tip. 3x9=27 + 2 = $29. What happened to the other dollar?

See ya
I did not enjoy ordinary differential equations. But I think it was the professor who designed the wings of the space shuttle. He couldnt communicate with a hooker to save his life. The only reason I passed the final was because it was classical problems like a spring, an resisitor/capacitor/inductor circuit, a block sliding down an incline.
Ding, ding, ding.....:up

I use calculus nearly every day on my job. Also vector analysis, 3d geometry, binary, octal and hex arithmetic, etc. I also consider that stuff arithmetic. MATH is thew thoeretical stuff you take when you want to understand why this stuff works and how the universe is put together. Worth it for its own reward.

Math is the basic tool of engineering. People use the stuff we build without understanding what it took to design and build it.

Look, I can understand that someone who doesn't want to pursue a technical career may not need some of that higher level arithmetic, but even carpentry and plumbing requires a basic understanding of geometry and algebra.
Congrats! I was smart enough to get into the difficult math classes (pat on back), only to realize how stupid I was compared to the gifted and dedicated math minds. Just like opera, math will never be part of my soul...but I certainly have an appreciation for the art and science of math. Although I am program manager/information security engineer (use way more accounting than math), I have worked on projects involving metrology, radar, sensor technology, missle systems, and other weapons systems. Sure, some of the guys working the programs smelled a little ripe from time to time, but you have to appreciate the science and math capabilities of these talented individuals.
You can also do the most interesting things with math when you do something wrong:

Three people split a meal. When the bill comes it's $30. Each person pays $10 for their share. When the waiter gets to the cashier, the cashier tells the waiter that there is a special and the meal is only $25. and gives the waiter $5 singles to return to the diners. The Waiter decides that he cannot equally divide the $5 among the 3 diners so he gives each one of the 3 diners $1 and pockets the remaining $2.

Each diner paid $10. They each got $1 in return. That means each diner paid $9. The waiter kept $2 as a tip. 3x9=27 + 2 = $29. What happened to the other dollar?

See ya

The waiter kept $2 as a tip so then you SUBTRACT $2 from 27 so they paid $25 not $27
Yep. That is the correct math equation, but consider this: each person that paid had $9 less in their pocket than they did before and the waiter has $2. This is undeniable and no way does it add up to $30 and there is no other dollars. This is one of those things that defy logic. :)
Nice catch. IMHO.

And Vurb: One day, I should tell you about my Communist Poland Computer Science teacher. They let him go because he had terminal cancer. Made no sense in class whatsoever.
I did not enjoy ordinary differential equations.

I had a little asian lady for diff. eq. and boy was she hard so follow. I can still hear her in my head saying "arfa" for alpha, every time I see the greek letter a.
Yep. That is the correct math equation, but consider this: each person that paid had $9 less in their pocket than they did before and the waiter has $2. This is undeniable and no way does it add up to $30 and there is no other dollars. This is one of those things that defy logic. :)

It doesn't defy logic. The money is all accounted for. $25 to the house, $2 to the waiter. That adds to $27, the amount of money the 3 men are out.
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