Malone Voices Skepticism About Voom's Chances

I have honestly tried !sadroll to catch up since my last visit to this forum at about this same time last make that this morning.

I'll admit I didn't scour every post as I usually prefer to do...but after scanning most of them...the only thing I can say is "CONTEXT, CONTEXT, CONTEXT...folks...that's what it's all ABOUT!!

Try re-reading both the "pro" and the "con" articles, taking note of the subtleties in each…

Fact, innuendo, and distortion can all go hand in hand sometimes...given any talented manipulator....

I'll give you just one example to start with...and this is MY EMPHASIS, not the author's….

"I wouldn't do it with my money," Malone said on a conference call with analysts from around the world to discuss the results of Liberty Media International, the global cable company he runs.

"We were offered on a number of occasions an opportunity to participate in a third satellite competitor and we declined because we didn't think the risks were warranted by the potential returns," Malone said. The approaches were to his U.S. business Liberty Media Corp.
NOW...Does that mean... he was talking about his money regarding Liberty Mutual, OR his personal money to back an old friend...who may share his dreams?? :confused: You'll have to decide for yourselves.

The fact remains that... regardless of what is much subtlety there is in any given article...or how wildly we here may speculate or manipulate the published info…

...the REAL players are on the game…and most anything could happen

I'm still confident (based only on my own conclusions about all the articles I've and con) that Chuck Dolan knew his hand before he drew new cards, and will prevail… why not quit eating each other for a while...?

"It may be said with a degree of assurance that not everything that meets the eye is as it appears." -- Rod Serling

"Patience and shuffle the cards." -- Miguel De Cervantes

Just my opinion! :) , Vicki :)
gutter said:
All stations have to go digital but are not required currently to broadcast HD. You are right ..getting of analog has nothing to do with getting of SD on digital. However, the marketplace is also at work. How many stations do you know that still just broadcast black and white? The growth of color TV actually took longer than digitital or HD will. From the first network colorcast to the the 100% converstion to color by the networks took slightly over 10 years. HD is at a faster pace but the digital side of it is also government mandated.

I'm not sure it's at a faster pace. I watch plenty of HD content on the Boston PBS 2-2 channel from 1998, I think I've seen earlier than that?

Vicki said:
I have honestly

"It may be said with a degree of assurance that not everything that meets the eye is as it appears." -- Rod Serling

Rod Serling was a professor of mine in college. Knew him well. Been to his house and also on the boat he sunk in Lake Cayuga in New York. I remember him saying that line often.

I also believe that a man like C. Dolan would not put up even $10M just to look good for 3 weeks. I want to believe that there is more up his sleeve than meets our eye.
Chuck puts up $10M as a security deposit. If he wins, he gets to run Voom, if he loses his CVC stock goes up by FAR more than that... This is a win-win wager for him, so I wouldn't read anything into the $10M.

If you've ever played poker, it's called being "pot committed." For example, if you've already bet $200 into the pot, it pays to call the last bet of $5 rather than fold.
Chucks history doesn't show that he is that kind of poker player. However, I do believe that he or son Tom needs to make a statement and soon. The credibility of the Malone story from London got a lot of attention and unless it is clarified it can do some lasting damage. I do believe that the mistake the Dolan's have made is not creating their own PR advantage. Right now many think that is it an internal family squabble and nothing more. In order to give confidence to the marketplace, he needs to make a statement. And I mean more than just another SEC filing. The nature of the press will speculate forever until they have at least a shread of some truth from the source.
gutter said:
Rod Serling was a professor of mine in college. Knew him well. Been to his house and also on the boat he sunk in Lake Cayuga in New York. I remember him saying that line often.

I also believe that a man like C. Dolan would not put up even $10M just to look good for 3 weeks. I want to believe that there is more up his sleeve than meets our eye.

I'm not a billionare but surely 10M is a lot of money...even to him. I don't spend that much for giggles.

BTW....tell more Rod Serling stories!!!!!

I must say I'm impressed--it took until the 6th page of the thread before all of the, "Voom isn't gonna die...I REALLY REALLY REALLY want it to live!" posts.

Yet another example of everyone getting all excited over yet another article. How about everyone just cool your jets and wait and see what happens? Ever think of that?

The Rickster
Something came to mind when reading Vicki's post with emphasis added. If Malone was making these comments while discussing the results of his company with analysts from around the world, he may just be trying to distance himself from Voom so as not to negatively affect his stock price. Just look at how CVC stock price went up when it looked like they were going to shut down Voom. Actually, come to think of it, I probably wouldn't spend my money to fund Voom either. I'm too risk averse.

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