I just checked... I have a Superdish pointing at 110, 119, and 121 with two LNB's going to the 3-input,4-output DP34 (I guess that's what the '3' and the '4' in DP34 stands for). I didn't climb on my roof again, so can't tell if it's the plastic or the metal one. When I was up there the other day, I remember knocking against the ovoid and thinking "hmm, it sounds like plastic".
I have two 510's (a miscommunication back during installation got me the 510's instead of the 522's) and had a 811 and a 311. I've since returned the 811 and 311 (when I got rid of HD back when the whole metallic packages came out) and am waiting until affordable/free HD-DVR comes out.
In the meantime, I am subscribed to an annual international package and the AT60.
TLC (one of the household 'must haves') on 119, tp8 has been 'out' for the past 3 days now. The wife is quite upset about this, as having 'missing signal' also prevented the DVR from switching to other channels to tape our other shows.
How much they are/can/should charge me to switch the superdish with a dish1000? (I'm on their equipment rental program where I own nothing, I believe... but now they are saying some of the stuff, I do own...)
The supervisor I spoke with is reluctantly sending me a new DP34 to swap out myself (returning the old one to them) to see if that fixes things.
But if it's the LNB or the dish itself, I would like to avoid having to wait 5hrs for an installer to maybe come out to tell me the problem I have, then call whomever, wait more time, and still have no programming. My time is precious, but I'd rather be doing something proactive (like reinstalling switches and LNBs) than dealing with the 5 hour windows that they give.