Losing the return mailer/site fail


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Jul 20, 2005
Northern VA
Over the holidays, somehow we lost the return mailer to our Dish/BB disc. No problem, I'll just drop it off at a local BB store. They wouldn't take it without the mailer, which apparently has an important bar code on it. So I went to the BB site online and looked at the FAQs. First, they say just wait for your next disc, and return both in the next mailer. Well, I only have the 1 disc out at a time plan, so that's a non-starter. And brings into question the value of that bar code.

The next suggestion is to go to the Que, and next to the disc out select Report Problem. Then select "I lost or damaged the return envelope." This brings up the option of e-mailing them using an online form. Fine. Except here's where it gets interesting. You enter some ID, and a subject line, and fill in a narrative block. You also are to select a category under a drop down labeled "Blockbuster @Home." Only there are no drop down options. Hmmm. Ok, hit Continue anyway. Which, of course brings up the error message: "Category - Please select an item under Blockbuster @Home." Of course, there's still nothing to select and no way to override and submit. Sigh. On to Plan D, calling on the phone.

I discover the option levels when calling have deepened. But, with a little patience I got thru to a human. I know it was a human because no one would make an AI so clueless. I've generally had good experiences with Dish on the phone, but this guy? He was a bit difficult to understand, and not because English might not be his first language. I'm pretty sure English IS his first language. I think the guy was just unable to communicate well, and had no idea what I was talking about or how the system works. OK- the first string is not likely to be manning the January 1 night shift. After about 3 tries I MIGHT have gotten an envelope to be sent to me. Not sure, because he kept insisting on it's for my "first disc." Must be in the script. And he seemed to say it would be 7-10 days for me to get it. And did not seem to understand it was for me to return the disc, kept referring to sending me "the" disc. ??? I guess the best way to describe the conversation (no Chat option at BB) would be to parody it: "I need a new return envelope." "I can send you a disc." "No, I have the disc, I just need to return it." "Ok, you can return it after 7-10 days." .......

OK, not too bad of an experience, IF we actually GET the proper return envelope. But Dish/BB should really fix that flaw in the site. And there was no way to alert the webmaster. And they don't want to just give me an address to mail the thing back to. Heck, the inner sleeve, which we still have, has a bar code and I'd think that would be enough.

I've got a feeling it might be a long time before I get my next SG-1 disc. Now, to tear this house apart again, hoping to find that envelope.
All the discs I have right now are from in store rentals so I can't see what options you would have if you have a disc out by mail. But I also have lost mailers in the past. From what I remember, when I chose the option to return the disc in the same mailer as the next disc, Blockbuster sent me out the next disc in my queue right away and I put them both in the same sleeve when I sent them back. Thats odd that its not working for you. I would honestly call blockbuster directly and ask them for assistance. The dish CSR is just going to tell you to do what you already tried. Blockbuster: (866) 692-2789
Over the holidays, somehow we lost the return mailer to our Dish/BB disc. No problem, I'll just drop it off at a local BB store. They wouldn't take it without the mailer, which apparently has an important bar code on it. So I went to the BB site online and looked at the FAQs. First, they say just wait for your next disc, and return both in the next mailer. Well, I only have the 1 disc out at a time plan, so that's a non-starter. And brings into question the value of that bar code.

The next suggestion is to go to the Que, and next to the disc out select Report Problem. Then select "I lost or damaged the return envelope." This brings up the option of e-mailing them using an online form. Fine. Except here's where it gets interesting. You enter some ID, and a subject line, and fill in a narrative block. You also are to select a category under a drop down labeled "Blockbuster @Home." Only there are no drop down options. Hmmm. Ok, hit Continue anyway. Which, of course brings up the error message: "Category - Please select an item under Blockbuster @Home." Of course, there's still nothing to select and no way to override and submit. Sigh. On to Plan D, calling on the phone.

I discover the option levels when calling have deepened. But, with a little patience I got thru to a human. I know it was a human because no one would make an AI so clueless. I've generally had good experiences with Dish on the phone, but this guy? He was a bit difficult to understand, and not because English might not be his first language. I'm pretty sure English IS his first language. I think the guy was just unable to communicate well, and had no idea what I was talking about or how the system works. OK- the first string is not likely to be manning the January 1 night shift. After about 3 tries I MIGHT have gotten an envelope to be sent to me. Not sure, because he kept insisting on it's for my "first disc." Must be in the script. And he seemed to say it would be 7-10 days for me to get it. And did not seem to understand it was for me to return the disc, kept referring to sending me "the" disc. ??? I guess the best way to describe the conversation (no Chat option at BB) would be to parody it: "I need a new return envelope." "I can send you a disc." "No, I have the disc, I just need to return it." "Ok, you can return it after 7-10 days." .......

OK, not too bad of an experience, IF we actually GET the proper return envelope. But Dish/BB should really fix that flaw in the site. And there was no way to alert the webmaster. And they don't want to just give me an address to mail the thing back to. Heck, the inner sleeve, which we still have, has a bar code and I'd think that would be enough.

I've got a feeling it might be a long time before I get my next SG-1 disc. Now, to tear this house apart again, hoping to find that envelope.

are you really surprised?
I would have tried the online chat before calling. Your problem is usually better understood as well as taking less time, both in the initial wait and conversation time.

(no Chat option at BB)

BB does not offer that. But using the Dish one would work, I guess, since the phone call went to Dish anyway.
All the discs I have right now are from in store rentals so I can't see what options you would have if you have a disc out by mail. But I also have lost mailers in the past. From what I remember, when I chose the option to return the disc in the same mailer as the next disc, Blockbuster sent me out the next disc in my queue right away and I put them both in the same sleeve when I sent them back. Thats odd that its not working for you. I would honestly call blockbuster directly and ask them for assistance. The dish CSR is just going to tell you to do what you already tried. Blockbuster: (866) 692-2789

Now that's a thought, I might just do that.

The return mailer showed up today. Of course, there was no bar code on it outside of the Post Office one, but it WAS marked "Replacement Mailer" so maybe a bar code could have gone in that spot.
From what I remember, when I chose the option to return the disc in the same mailer as the next disc, Blockbuster sent me out the next disc in my queue right away and I put them both in the same sleeve when I sent them back.
But, as he said, he's on 1-disk-at-a-time plan, which means there is no next disc and mailer until he returns the disc he already has out.

Blockbuster trying to get me to cancel?

Cannot log into Blockbuster@home website
