Exactly what do we lose if we drop BB@H?


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Jul 20, 2005
Northern VA
I touched on this in a different thread, but it fell thru the cracks.

If we drop BB@H, we lose the 21 channels. Given. And the discs by mail is now history. What does that leave? Well, it leaves the streaming titles, no? And are they streaming, or downloadable? I notice the Dish site says "streaming" but I recall downloading a single free title and seeing it under "Rentals." Didn't watch it in time and it expired.

If I look at On Demand, I see 19,945 titles. I can pick BB@H, or TV shows, or TV series, etc. I guess the BB@H titles (which don't seem to be identified as such) are all "free" - included as part of the $10/month fee, along with the 21 channels. If I drop BB@H, I presume all, or nearly all, free On Demand movies go away, leaving just the for-fee ones. Exactly (well, roughly) how many movies/TV shows are left available if you drop BB@H? I can't seem to separate out the usual Dish On Demand titles from the BB@H titles on my Hopper.

Or do I misunderstand the system? Maybe the BB@H titles stay, just become for-fee?
You should be able to hit 'Menu' and then the Blockbuster icon to get a list of (approx.) 4000 or so movies that are 'free' but that can be a bit misleading as a lot of those titles are junk ~ I would say around 500 solid HD titles made up mostly of the Encore/Starz/Epix/HDMovies/SMC libraries. It's kind of nice if you don't have Starz already (actually, no real reason to have Starz if you can grab their stuff via download). Yeah, without subscription, I think those same titles are around $ 3 for older movies.

They are 'streaming' in that you can call them up nearly instantly - takes about 5 seconds to get going on my setup. Then they stay on the DVR ('Rentals) for around a month but that can vary. Hope that helps. You can get a promo price of $ 5/month on BBAH - to me, that is a no brainer, even without the DVDs. At $ 10, not sure it is worth it (IMO).
You can always experiment, see what drops off, and report back. ;)
Yes, there's a thought. I'll probably do it, as we've used On Demand only once since Hoppered.

Lets plot this out. WHICH movies, etc to DL "free" and test later- to see if playable after cnx, and if still available, "for fee."

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If you order on average say 4 titles at around $2.99 each, you would be over $10. I believe there may be some titles at $.99, but then 11 would put you over as well. It depends on your viewing habits so it may be worth it to some, but not everyone.

So does BB@Home still deserve its own sub-forum?

BB@ Home disc By Mail Ending September 19th
