Just because its his gun, does not mean he fired the gun... but under local law he is still guilty of a crime.
We should really consider making an Athlete/Sport's Figure Jail-bait Thread. That way we can lump in all of the Bungles and Steeley McBeam arrests into 1 central location!
BTW, why can't players keep out of trouble during the off-season? Bungles, Steeley McBeam, Benson and now Harrison!? Who's next?
AH yes.....nothing like always carrying a gun to make sure nothing goes wrong.... Things go wrong when A COP carries one and he HAS TO. What makes you think that having a gun in a bar...even if it's legally concealed weapon...that something terribly might happen.....?!
I am shocked I tell you....totally shocked!
maybe the easter bunny did it.Who's to say he didnt leave it at the carwash, which he owns, and some other employee found it and shot it? No person was shot, just property damage, nothing at all like the OJ case.
Not saying he did it, or didn't, either way its a crime in PA, but theres no proof that HE shot the gun, as the first post/topic would lead you to beleive.
Guns don't kill people, but apparantly they make bullets go really fast.