First, yeah, I realize that baseball evolved, long before any of us were alive, into its modern, perfect, form. Its perfect form has existed for many generations. Arguing that some rule or another was changed 120 years ago and that means anything is silly.
And, I try to respect the rules and not get political or racial, but it is a fact that a greater %age of single out-left handed relievers are black than the %age of black baseball players generally. Now, do I think Manfred is doing a racist thing on purpose? No. But the effect of this will be less black ball players.
But again, back to my question. Because, 140 years ago, during its evolution, a rule was changed, I want to have only 4 batters. Why do you oppose progress? Don't you understand that G-D is not drop the rules of baseball down to Doubleday on stone tablets? It took a few decades of trial and error to get it PERFECT. And now that it is PERFECT, it needs to be left alone.