Ok, mounted it on an 18" dish and was able to get AMC 1, the Pentagon channel came in great. So it is a standard linear LNB, guess due to it's age it only gets strong sigs. My meter was showing I was hitting other sats (low readings) and they would not load. Going to duct tape it back and watch KUIL on AMC 4. It seems to like it there.
According to LyngSat there is a NBC news channel and a lot of feeds on AMC 1. I might try it out for awhile.
My setup is a Traxis 3500 hooked up to a Dish network oblong dish with 2 LNBs. One gets Intelsat 5 and the other will be getting KUIL. Also have a 3 ft Pansat that is aimed at Galaxy 10R for the RTN chans. My 10 ft BUD rests on two pine trees and is forever pointed at Galaxy 11 so we can listen to American Voice radio on transponder 12. We get 1 OTA chan but it's 60 miles and alot of hills away.
Wish I had known about Global Communications, would have saved 20 bucks on my Traxis.
Never would have guessed throat size on the LNBs, good tip.
Thanks again, I thought I was alone in the wilderness with this stuff till I found this site.