Letter from Inverstors to Chuck: (Voom/Echostar merge?)

graphiteRT said:
I'm not dodging any questions,
You got something wrong, and when corrected you got angry and started name calling again.

Can you point to where the SEC is even considering the assets sale?
Not the informal insider trading investigation, but the assets sale?
Or will these questions be ignored while you post another attack rant?

justalurker said:
You got something wrong, and when corrected you got angry and started name calling again.

Can you point to where the SEC is even considering the assets sale?
Not the informal insider trading investigation, but the assets sale?
Or will these questions be ignored while you post another attack rant?


Name calling? It's a joke, son, a joke! Do you have ZERO sense of humor?

Justalurker isn't an appropriate nick because you don't just lurk, so I made a joke about your avatar. Lighten up already or maybe just change the avatar? Perhaps you don't have thick enough skin to be partaking in message board banter? I apologize that you mistook the meaning of my post and became offended. Does that work for ya?

BTW, your false accusations are every bit a personal attack, especially when there was no attack on you to begin with. Please adhere to the Forum policies as we were reminded less than two days ago.

I've had my fill dealing with the emotionally challenged. Tough to discuss meaningful issues when you're wading through the garbage. While my idle time this week wasn't totally wasted, I think the amount of time I spent here may have been. Perhaps the moderators could do a little housekeeping and rein in the childish behavior of certain Forum participants. It comes down to whether you want this as an informational resource or a babysitting service, I guess.

Good luck Voomers. Let's hope Dolan Sr. has that ace in the hole that I think he does for tomorrow.
gryphon said:
Well, if you get a chance to talk to ol' Chuck - or someone who'll listen - tell him that some of us can't get his service because they're too hardcore on the NEC. I can't get it because I don't have proper grounding options (according to the NEC), meanwhile, I'm going to go with DISH, ground it to a light fixture, and use a surge protector.

After 2 days of back and forth with people who simply would do nothing to help me, I have to say I can't believe that kind of customer service exists with that small of a customer base. No one was outright mean, they just... didn't really care whether or not I had the service.

Sorry if it's off-topic, but... I hope Voom delivers content to E*, then maybe I can get some real HD finally without having to jump through 20 hoops!

If this is a house on your property sink a 9 foot copper pole into the ground, any electrician can do it for you I believe. The reason I believe they would not install is they are installing a lightning rod and with no proper ground they would be liable for all the damaged equipment in your home after it was struck. Heck I wouldn't want that kind of responsibility.
graphiteRT said:
I apologize that you mistook the meaning of my post and became offended. Does that work for ya?
I'd rather you discuss Voom and not me, leave the jokes to Leno and actually answer the questions - but if you believe that "I'm sorry you" is an apology then we should pity you.

"I'm sorry I said ___" is an apology for something you have said.
"I'm sorry you ___" is furthering your stand and not an apology.

I'm sorry you don't understand that, and hope your next post is about Voom, not me, not my avatar, and not anything or anyone else you can think of attacking.

Some off-topic posts deleted.
graphiteRT said:
We obviously disagree on what a transitionary period is. Let's see if the SEC and FCC do, since those are the opinions that count. I say it looks bad if you show up to approve the deal which contains that language and you've already abandoned your customers(via the shutdown of Voom) when there was an alternative put on the table(Dolan Sr. offer).
The deal didn't promise Voom customers what would be transitioned to or when. Cablevision's announcement of the deal said there would be a transition, but did not say what the transition to would be or when. Turning off the service is an event that Voom can transition to.

It bears repeating that I hope that "down" isn't the final transition target, but the Feb 28th announced shutdown began a 30 plus day transition to no service from Voom. Time to give customers a chance to find and install another option. Time to give employees to find another job within Cablevision or elsewhere. Not the desired transition by a long shot, but it is a transition.

Here is E*'s application for Rainbow1 - You can download it from the FCC in four parts: 1 2 3 4
It contains redacted text of the deal signed with Echostar for your reading pleasure.

As far as the board letter we've been reading, that apparently is a completely new deal that Charles Dolan told the board he was going to pursue last Tuesday - beyond the Rainbow1 transfer.

I don't think a man like Chuck Dolan would do anything without a bevy of lawyers following close behind to make sure he is doing it by the book. I could be wrong but I don't think so.
I have been a lurker on this board for some time and decided that I should let all of you know how much I have enjoyed the info and banter going on for the last few months - great source of VOOM info....

I am a charter member of VOOM (ordered Dec. 2003) and have enjoyed over a year of the best HD money can buy. I still own all of my equipment and, if the worst happens and VOOM closes down, am ready to write off the expense to the great experience. Come on - most all of us on this board are technical junkies and have experienced the thrill of "being first" and sometimes the disappointments of watching the cost of technology that we embraced and piloted drop like a rock - or worse - disappear due to the lack of broad appeal. I lost a lot more money on my 50" plasma from buying it two years ago than I will ever lose to being one of first to jump onto the VOOM bandwagon. Such is the addiction / thrill of being a "first adapter".

That being said - I really hope that Charles can pull this off. I just grabbed this article off the web - haven't seen it posted yet. Seems to verify some of the speculation that has been voiced on this board.

__________________________________________________ ___________

Cablevision Chairman Charles Dolan is seeking to save its struggling satellite TV service VOOM by a co-operative deal with EchoStar, which is set to take over the Rainbow 1 satellite in a $200m deal.

Dolan planned to approach EchoStar to negotiate an arrangement in which the Rainbow-1 satellite supporting VOOM's service could be "brought" together with the VOOM business outside of Cablevision. The other directors of Cablevision said: "For our part, we agreed to support a delay in the shutdown of VOOM for a short period while you engage in those discussions and that if you are able to negotiate such an arrangement with EchoStar on terms satisfactory to us, we would be prepared to renew discussions with you for a sale of the VOOM business".

It's unclear how Dolan would gain use of the Rainbow 1 satellite, if he could get access to the satellite at all, or even if a deal was actually discussed between the Cablevision chairman and EchoStar. Cablevision released the records of discussions through a Securities and Exchange Commission filing.

Cablevision has also revealed that the Securities and Exchange Commission is conducting an informal inquiry into the trading of its securities and has requested information concerning the suspension of its Rainbow Media service.
Oh, THERE you are...A voice of reason...

...What the heck are you doing here, fella (or gal!)? :) :D (I tried to post this to you minutes after you posted, but through operator error or computer malfunction (I'd prefer the latter excuse, please) nearly posted it in another thread. Glad I found your again! :)

I'm in 100% agreement with you. I'm not one of the "tech junkies" but I must admit I have felt a certain thrill of having been on the fringes of this revolution. I subscribed (no equipment purchase)...I quit...I'm in process of being re-subscribed.

It was then, and IS now ,within my limited experience (only Cable HD...a totally miserable offering my area), the best there is.

Whatever happens tomorrow, I'm glad I got to see it once, and hope I get to see it for a long time in the future, most preferably through VoOm! :D

I had not seen what you posted, but a reference link to the source would be very helpful to newbies and skeptics (...and I fall into both categories). There are lots of new posters here who are trying to figure things out. I think personally, that I've seen enough references to form a reasonably informed opinion, but I'd like to suggest, to one and all, that links to info you discuss are extremely helpful to newbies as well as skeptics.

As most everybody knows at this point, there's nothing to do but wait for the smoke to clear, because it won't be decided by any of us, but a link would make it a little easier to help evaluate the circumstances for some who have not been following things for as long as many who post frequently. Thanks for your, in my opinion, "reasoned" input. :) Vicki

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