Oh, THERE you are...A voice of reason...
...What the heck are you doing here, fella (or gal!)?

(I tried to post this to you minutes after you posted, but through operator error or computer malfunction (I'd prefer the latter excuse, please) nearly posted it in another thread. Glad I found your again!
I'm in 100% agreement with you. I'm not one of the "tech junkies" but I must admit I have felt a certain thrill of having been on the fringes of this revolution. I subscribed (no equipment purchase)...I quit...I'm in process of being re-subscribed.
It was then, and
IS now ,within my limited experience (only Cable HD...a totally miserable offering my area), the
best there is.
Whatever happens tomorrow, I'm glad I got to see it once, and hope I get to see it for a
long time in the future, most preferably through VoOm!
I had
not seen what you posted, but a reference link to the source would be very helpful to newbies and skeptics (...and I fall into
both categories). There are lots of new posters here who are trying to figure things out. I think personally, that I've seen enough references to form a reasonably informed opinion, but I'd like to suggest,
to one and all, that links to info you discuss are extremely helpful to newbies as well as skeptics.
As most everybody
knows at this point, there's nothing to do but wait for the smoke to clear, because it won't be
decided by
any of us, but a link would make it a little easier to help evaluate the circumstances for some who have not been following things for as long as many who post frequently. Thanks for your, in my opinion, "reasoned" input.
