Forget post of the day. This has the potential to be post of the year ... on *any* forum related to *anything*.graphiteRT said:Dumb enough? Any one of the board members has a net worth more than you could probably dream of. Chuck Sr. has a net worth of $1.8 B while you're killing time on a message board! You really think you're in a position to offer those people financial advice???
Talk about pissing into the wind.
Are you a CVC shareholder? If so, get on the horn and get a plane ticket for the May shareholders meeting so you can attempt to really make a difference. While is a fine resource, I sorta doubt the Dolan clan or the Board members tune in here for tidbits of wisdom from the peanut gallery on how to run a multi-billion dollar Corporation.
Aside from the fact that I damn near spewed coke out of my nose while reading it, it is so poignant it's scary.
I especially like this part: "While is a fine resource, I sorta doubt the Dolan clan or the Board members tune in here for tidbits of wisdom from the peanut gallery on how to run a multi-billion dollar Corporation."
Wow. Amen brother. Just amen.