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I think it was the ho hum feeling about Epic that everyone seems to have. Its a busy time of year so I have to be more picky lol, at least what I show my wife. Just something about Gatsby, not feeling it.

I was on board for Pain/Gain, but Ive seen people saying they shut it off after 20 mins. Kinda surprised.
Last : KonTiki

The book and adventure this was based on was the first true life adventure book I ever read. And I have very fond memories of that. The movie was disappointing. Had I not read the book, I never would have completed watching the movie. It isn't horrible, just not exciting at all.

Star Trek In to Darkness

Meh! Did not care for the new Kahn story. Totally negated any history that the original episode and movie did. Last Blu-ray I will ever buy. The Thrill Is Gone (on both counts).
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That's kind of the point of the new series. New timeline. New outcomes. Just glad there's no Star Trek 3: The Search for Kirk.

That's kind of the point of the new series. New timeline. New outcomes. Just glad there's no Star Trek 3: The Search for Kirk.


New time line or not..."he was genetic, murdering criminal"...that was about all, if any backstory.