Last & Next Movie Watched

Last Spring Breakers

I can't even begin to describe this movie. Crazy, dark and full of psychopaths. Its not anything near what I expected and it was like a train wreck, I could not stop watching. It won't be for everyone, and I thought the soundtrack was pretty good too.
Last: Evil Dead (2013)

Well, as a huge Bruce Campbell fan, I went in skeptical. I must say, it's a movie that stands on its own, but there are several parts that will make the original fans giddy. I cant say that it's better than the original, but the ending is a huge payoff for true fans, and I look forward to the sequel.
Good Day to Die Hard

PQ was OK, damn grain though. AQ was top notch, gave my sub a workout. As for the story, not the best for sure, but after reading all the bad reviews I was actually surprised and liked it. I was not a big fan of #4 because of some of the over the top (fake) stunts, this one was better in that regard IMO.
Last: GI Joe Retaliation

No story, lots of bass, and lots of action. Some good vehicles for fans of the cartoon as well. Im gonna chalk this one up to some of the earlier poorly made Marvel movies, I can only hope some day someone gets a hold of the franchise that cares about it.