Kijiji, eBay, and Craigslist dishes for you to take a look at

Andrew 1.2m CAD$ 80.00 Newmarket ON, Canada
fixed az/el mount.
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Hey all - hopefully OK to post this here. Figured I would bypass Craigslist. . .

I have a large satellite dish that I need to be removed. It is located near Bellville, TX.

I also have the receiver, but am not sure of the working condition of either the dish or the receiver. Anyone who is willing can come disassemble and haul off both the dish and receiver free of charge.

The dish measures about 92" diameter directly across the face and is a Unimesh brand.
The receiver is a Toshiba TRX-1420.

I have more photos available, but can't seem to post the links.

If you are interested, just message me on this forum and we can arrange the details.

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It looks BIG! Looks very well built, although it is OLD, but OLD doesn't mean that it is no good. Has H-H motor. It would be a great C-Band dish with the H-H drive reconditioned and working. You would be lucky to get this one, in my opinion. Expect to have to change the LNB to new one(s), but this is a very small problem.
For the price who cares, it's got an H2H polar mount ! Kinda reminds me of a prodelin with all those structure ribs on the back. Many mfgrs BITD used an existing manufacturers dish 'blank' and built the mount and feed support. Then called it 'their own',
I know exactly where that dish is, too. I've driven past it many times. It is big, I'd guess at least 12'.

Thing is I'd only get it for the mount. I already have a 10' planted in the farm and I'm not sure how difficult fabricating that mount to my dish would be.
Looks like it's been removed from Craigslist. When I click on the link it says: "This posting has been removed by the author."

Did you get it?

Nope. I was surprised it was gone so quickly. Couldn't justify it, even though it was free. I'm hopeful that it'll be put to use and not scrapped (oh the horror!)
Just curious to know what you guys use to search craigslist? Any recommendations? I have been just using Google and something like " satellite dish".

RCN on SES 6 (40.5°W)
