just out of curiosity ?


New Member
Original poster
Nov 2, 2003
If dish was perfect,all the hd you could want ,great prices ,no bugs,no stretch-o-vision,ect, What would the discussions be about?
I am sure we would find something else to bitch about, like...overcompressed SD, soft HD, HD Lite, lack of certain HD channels that only two Tibetan monks have ever heard of, weak satellite signals, lack of Dish Interacvtive programs, bad receiver software, the writers' strike, lack of content (people will not be content about the content :)), marketing strategy or lack thereof, all sorts of things come right to mind! :D

See ya
The fact that DIrectv has HD video on demand testing while DISH has none, comes to mind.

Yea. Read about that his morning. Dish is having trouble with dishonline (if it still exists) let alone getting some hd content to it. And some free stuff too Dish!!!

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