Once again, if a la carte is allowed it doesn't mean one cant get a bundle. IT'S AN OPTION. Right now there are no market forces keeping prices down. 5 companies own 90% of all programming/channels. If a la carte is mandated, single channels wont go up to "a MILLLLLLion dollars a month" because the market will not support it. A channel like TNT trying to get $10 a month will quickly find out just how few people want to watch Law&Order reruns that much. Will some channels die, maybe. But some channels deserve to die if no one is willing to pay for them. The programming won't necessarily go away. Consolidation is the name of the game. More value for the dollar.
On top of that, just about every cable channel on the air now started having commercials pay the freight, not subscriber fees. Subscriber fees were used as a supplement. With channel consolidation, audiences are consolidated making each ad buy more profitable.
I can't believe there are people here that actually want to DENY choice to others. Again, having a la carte does not necessarily mean no packages.