My concern is that allowing the government to direct the policies of a private company is not in the best interest of the country. IF some provider wanted to try doing exactly the same thing I would like to see it.
But compelling a company to expend funds to offer a product that their best research indicates will not produce a profit is just the wrong way to go. Next thing that could happen is the government will force you to use seat belts or buy health insurance.
Could be a good idea...but forcing it is not the proper role of government. Likewise there is no place for government subsidies to help pay for it.
Having said that.............I am looking around for a way to replace commercial TV. The ads are just too distracting and repetitious. The early draw for cable & satellite service was the lack of commercials. Them days be gone. Got a way to get the a la carte thing done.........I'd sign up if the money was close or less than now.
Look, I am the LAST person to agree with government meddling in the affairs of private business, but sometimes it is necessary.
I do not view this as forcing programmers/producers to do anything. I see this as the legislation reminding the programmers that they have a duty to act in the public interest and to offer consumers the choice to bundle or not bundle.
Yes, ESPN would probably be around $10 per month. Yes, there would be a number of niche channels that would either find a way to be subsidized or hit the scrap heap. So what.
I look at it this way....If I go to the grocery store to buy cereal, do they make me buy milk as well? No. Then why is it I want financial news from CNBC I have to buy MSNBC which I NEVER watch...
Or, why should a family that wants just a basic package and has no interest in sports but wants channels that are packaged in the typical low rung level of programming have to spend 5 bucks a month on ESPN?
Yep, the scare mongers are saying the cost to watch tv will skyrocket. They scream about jobs being lost from the demise of these little niche channels...Right. Ok.. Well I believe the marketplace should decide what it wants. And if it takes government actiopn to open up the marketplace to choice, so be it. Right now we have a closed market. We have no choices. Except to cut the cord.
This was going to come to a head. Montly pay tv bills are out of control. Programmers and providers have been able to increase prices with near impunity. And for what? They claim costs are rising on their end. Really? Show me!...Show me where the cost to put a tv channel on a satellite out in space has tripled in the last 10 years.
Maybe these producers are paying their people too much. maybe they spend too much on frills like sticky note pads and limos for the boss and his staff.