i had the dish everything pack for atleast 9 plus years. after my bill went to 135 plus tax per month I said nah no more.
I was only watching so many channels at once. so what i did was drop down to flex, welcome, then to smart, then back to flex pack.
i find myself watching only certain channels, like locals, tbs, comedy, oxygen, etc. when i decided to go to smart pack it was for science channel, id tv, and then i missed channels that i wanted from the welcome pack, that is not in smart pack.
so what i find myself doing is jumping around via packages, so if i want to go upgrade to flex for a bit to watch there package, i watch it for few months, and if i want to drop to smart pack, i did that as well.
basically locals, - welcome pack combine with tbs, comedy, oxygen,we=history, add heartland,then have a good round about package, add, epix for 3,50 per month for 5 months, encore. i get stuff i want.
now dont get me wrong, in future i am going to upgrade back to flex, and maybe a higher package and switch and get channels i want at different times. that is why i like dish package.
to me dish package is forumulated in a way to get some channels of what u want, and if u had enough of that package for awhile you can either upgrade to something that fits your needs, or downgrade to other package. that is very neccesary to me because my viewing habits has change, will change. that is why i downggraded from americas everything package, because i felt like to many channels i was getting, and only watch 20 or so of them, and then ending up getting different package, when i am in the mood for at different times.
i had no choice also it was to expensive as well, my internet price is fair and my dish pack is fair, and i am only paying half of each, with a friend of mine, who happens to be my roomate, so its split evenly. works good for us.
bottom line i choose different packs at different times because i try to switch to see different channels at different times.
i found welcome package, encore, heartland, epix to give me enough channels to watch for me. i mean its only 24 hours in a day and only so many hours dedicated to watching tv, when doing other stuff and using internet too.