It's over for me

I can get some of my locals some of the time. I can get ABC, NBC, and CBS. But the reception is very spotty, especially during the day. With cable, I can get 18 locals, 5 in HD. With cable I can get INHD1 and 2, PPV, HD DVR, my FOX Sports channel, G4, all of the Discovery channels. So flame me if you want for being a 1 time poster, but you must not have much to argue in the Voom's favor if that is all you can reply with.
I dont have a problem with people venting or even being negative. I just get aggravated when they assume the way they feel is how everyone feels. I also hate it when they ask you to join them in quitting or try to convince everyone their opinion is a fact. I have been happy with voom. I am concerned they have some difficult times ahead. I personally believe they will make it and come out ahead of the game. This is my opinion though.
I get all my locals with my VOOM but only one broadcast in HD. Actually, except for news, I rarely watch the locals. Wish my network affiliates would broadcast in HD but can't even stand watching NFL in SD anymore.
I get CBS & PBS. My other locals haven't stepped up to HD and NBC/FOX says they won't until they have to.
what makes you think he knew about this forum for a year?
do you get a link to it when you sign on to voom?
does voom call you and say you "must" visit the voom forum to watch us?
I know alot of people who know nothing of this site...........and if you will notice all the posters here are the same people over and over and over.
Before I had Voom, I had E*'s HD Pak - what a joke compared to Voom - and my locals would only sometimes come in. The istaller upsold me to a Channel Master Long range antenna, even though I only live 30 miles from FARTHEST signal tower. I could get CBS, NBC and ABC. Fox and UPN are broadcast with the equivilant power needed to run a washing machine. And PBS was clear every third Thursday and when the wind was blowing from the southwest.

5 Minutes after Voom was installed, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF MY LOCALS came in crystal clear. And I was using the same antenna. Go figure! I guess Voom's OTA capability was more flexible or forgiving for weak signals. For that reason alone, I do not want to drop Voom, because I don't want to lose my OTA/STB..

If I went to Comcast, I would actually lose HD local programming. Comcast and our local NBC and Fox Affiliates are in a pissing contest about additional bandwidth and sub-channels. Comcast carries all three PBS feeds (HD, SD, and The South Carolina Channel). But Comcast refuses to allow subchannels for NBC and Fox. I would hate to lose my locals in HD over some political crap.
I can get some of my locals some of the time. I can get ABC, NBC, and CBS. But the reception is very spotty, especially during the day. With cable, I can get 18 locals, 5 in HD. With cable I can get INHD1 and 2, PPV, HD DVR, my FOX Sports channel, G4, all of the Discovery channels. So flame me if you want for being a 1 time poster, but you must not have much to argue in the Voom's favor if that is all you can reply with.
Now that was a more thought out out posting, explaining your situation. But you also have to remember everyone's situation is different. You made the assumption that everyone's situation is the same, and that Voom is "wrong" for everyone.

You also never mentioned whether, after 1 1/2 years, you have ever talked to Voom about your OTA problems. As already mentioned, depending on your situation, there very well may not be anything Voom can do about it since OTA is not their signal. If you're too far to receive those signals, and those channels are important to you, then Voom is indeed not for you.

It was the attitude, not the message:
Hope some of you convert and see the light.
Personally, I get all of the OTA channels, and I don't have HD cable available. I have already seen the light, and that is why I'm a Voom customer. The "light" is different for all of us. For you to imply that all of us are wrong is just as wrong as it is for us to imply that you are "wrong".
I live 30 miles from Tampa and initially had a hard time getting most of my OTA channels. I called VOOM and viola, they came out, upgraded my antenna, and have been a happy camper ever since.
ltcsys said:
I can get some of my locals some of the time. I can get ABC, NBC, and CBS. But the reception is very spotty, especially during the day. With cable, I can get 18 locals, 5 in HD. With cable I can get INHD1 and 2, PPV, HD DVR, my FOX Sports channel, G4, all of the Discovery channels. So flame me if you want for being a 1 time poster, but you must not have much to argue in the Voom's favor if that is all you can reply with.
Wow, if you think those were flames maybe you really are new around here. :rolleyes:
Itcsys said:
Hope some of you convert and see the light.
This statement is where you got yourself into trouble. If upgrading your antenna and raising it and relocating it haven't worked for you and you're not satisfied with your OTA reception -- or if you simply think your local cable company is better suited to your viewing habits -- by all means leave. B-bye. You never woulda heard a word from from me other than perhaps good luck. But when you start implying that our decision is faulty and we just can't see it, you should expect some people to wonder what your agenda really is, and post to that effect. And I'm not arguing "in the Voom's favor" at all. I don't give a crap who you choose for your provider. Why would I? I never heard of you until you posted you're leaving and that you hope some of us voomers convert and see the light.
In your second post you did a fine job of explaining your reasons for thinking the cable is for you (well, until you started crying about being "flamed"). If cable works for you, by all means go and enjoy it. I hope you'll be happy together for many years. Voom works for me. I will enjoy it as long as it's providing the best value in HD programming.
Well said, The Timm.

TheTimm said:
Wow, if you think those were flames maybe you really are new around here. :rolleyes:
This statement is where you got yourself into trouble. If upgrading your antenna and raising it and relocating it haven't worked for you and you're not satisfied with your OTA reception -- or if you simply think your local cable company is better suited to your viewing habits -- by all means leave. B-bye. You never woulda heard a word from from me other than perhaps good luck. But when you start implying that our decision is faulty and we just can't see it, you should expect some people to wonder what your agenda really is, and post to that effect. And I'm not arguing "in the Voom's favor" at all. I don't give a crap who you choose for your provider. Why would I? I never heard of you until you posted you're leaving and that you hope some of us voomers convert and see the light.
In your second post you did a fine job of explaining your reasons for thinking the cable is for you (well, until you started crying about being "flamed"). If cable works for you, by all means go and enjoy it. I hope you'll be happy together for many years. Voom works for me. I will enjoy it as long as it's providing the best value in HD programming.

Out here in Seattle we receive all the "network" feeds in HD and we enjoy some of the OTA available. However, the vast majority of our viewing is off of the satellite and much of that is of the VOOM exclusives. We've seen the other providers including Comcast (would never sign with them as they keep jacking up our broadband fees--unfortunately, DSL is not available) and none of them include enough HD. We can't afford multiple providers. So, we enjoy VOOM and keep our fingers crossed.

Enjoying HDTV under "when is the sun going to end?" Seattle skies, Gill

ltcsys said:
After trying to watch the ACC games today OTA (ESPN blacked out), I have decided to cancel my Voom. I have never gotten close to good OTA reception. For 103$ I can get all my locals in HD, full digital cable, and high speed internet from local cable company. This is better than 97$ from phone company with DSL and 52$ from Voom. DSL from phone company is horrible, and who knows when Voom will go under or when I can watch my TV...? Signing off, it's been a fun year and a half. Hope some of you convert and see the light.
cable is nothing but a rip off i'm glad you want to pay the high prices if i was you i would at least switch to one of the other dish companies! :confused:
cappy29 said:
cable is nothing but a rip off i'm glad you want to pay the high prices if i was you i would at least switch to one of the other dish companies! :confused:

Cable is different in every area, in my area( Comcast):
All HD Movie Premium Channels, ESPN-HD, DiscoveryHD, InHD 1 and 2, all Networks in HD, every SD channel they have (too many), 2 HD-DVRs( 6412, 6408) , broadband, landline phone, all for $120.00 a month for six months, then $130.00 for 16 months, all the SD analog channels are also in the digital spectrum, so no fuzzy or ghosting picture.
ltcsys: if I could get all that from my cable co., I'd be out of here too. but why would you pay $50+ for 1 1/2 year when you've watched only 3 hrs of voom's programming? hmm.
Regarding the locals and Voom

I have been a Voomer for about a month now. I am still up in the air with them as I am about to have my fourth service call regarding the local channels and a faulty STB. After an antennae upgrade and then an antennae repositioning, I am going to be receiving an amplifier. Currently I can only receive my local CBS and NBC affiliates. I can receive the ABC affiliate on one box only. I have kept a minimum subscription to E* to receive all of the locals and for DVR purposes but it does get expensive. I may cancel V* after the 6 month committment as I too don't watch much of the V* exclusive channels and have had numerous issues with all of my STBs (I have 4) but would certainly not tell other people to switch just because of my experiences. To each their own.

question for voom subs

Not Again!!!!
