For what it's worth...


Original poster
Apr 23, 2005
Higley, AZ
Fellow Voomers and HD junkies, I'm reading a lot of hatred on these boards and want to suggest something which might make a few think.

I was a Voomer for only 3 months, got my system when I moved west to Phoenix and dropped DirecTV after being a very loyal sub since year #1 !!!

Around the 15th of April I pulled the plug on all my Voom boxes and plugged in Cox Cable Phoenix, I got 3 rooms, 3 boxes, all DVR's, 2 HD, 1 SD and didn't have to pay 1 cent for any of it.

Everyone in the family is happy, no issues with installs, special deals, CSR's that don't know there is supposed to be a deal, the mystery or daily changing deal, 299 dollar credits, 1000 dollar DVRs, basically, I'm watching HDTV but still reading on these forums where everyone wants to jump over to Dish just because they picked up the Voom channels and not even all of them and complain about it.

I don't have 21 HD channels, I have about 10, and you know what, *STOP AND THINK ABOUT THIS*, how often did you really watch DEVINE or Monsters or the Fashion network or the Auction network all night long? We had a ton of channels but in reality more than half were pure crap, just eye candy for the envy of the neighbors and friends to say that we had all this HD programming.

Everyone has got to get a grip, Voom is gone, if you're not happy with Dish, don't get it, if you can't stand that DirecTV only has 5 HD channels, remember that you very likely only watched that many with Voom in the first place. Voomers never saw a DVR, now you CAN get one from several sources!

Everyone, just let it go, face it, Voom and Elvis, both dead.

Just my opinion guys and gals.

Voom is not dead at my house. I am enjoying the Voom 10 offered by DishNetwork along with 5 OTA HD and the 5 HD channels in Dish's original HD pack. Hmmm, less see thats about 20 HD channels at my house, yes i am happy, very very happy!!!!!!!!

:) :) :)
It's all about choice not economics. FYI I watched every channel VOOM had including Devine and Auction . It was nice to have an alternative instead of the SD channels. I never watched SD except for The Daily Show and CNN World NEws. Having 40 HD channels was not only great but logical just like having a library with more than 10 books makes sense. I like choices.
lombana said:
Fellow Voomers and HD junkies, I'm reading a lot of hatred on these boards and want to suggest something which might make a few think.

I was a Voomer for only 3 months, got my system when I moved west to Phoenix and dropped DirecTV after being a very loyal sub since year #1 !!!

Around the 15th of April I pulled the plug on all my Voom boxes and plugged in Cox Cable Phoenix, I got 3 rooms, 3 boxes, all DVR's, 2 HD, 1 SD and didn't have to pay 1 cent for any of it.

Everyone in the family is happy, no issues with installs, special deals, CSR's that don't know there is supposed to be a deal, the mystery or daily changing deal, 299 dollar credits, 1000 dollar DVRs, basically, I'm watching HDTV but still reading on these forums where everyone wants to jump over to Dish just because they picked up the Voom channels and not even all of them and complain about it.

I don't have 21 HD channels, I have about 10, and you know what, *STOP AND THINK ABOUT THIS*, how often did you really watch DEVINE or Monsters or the Fashion network or the Auction network all night long? We had a ton of channels but in reality more than half were pure crap, just eye candy for the envy of the neighbors and friends to say that we had all this HD programming.

Everyone has got to get a grip, Voom is gone, if you're not happy with Dish, don't get it, if you can't stand that DirecTV only has 5 HD channels, remember that you very likely only watched that many with Voom in the first place. Voomers never saw a DVR, now you CAN get one from several sources!

Everyone, just let it go, face it, Voom and Elvis, both dead.

Just my opinion guys and gals.

I have Cox HD at my house since Voom went out with 1 DVR, 1 HD box, 1 Digital Box a a couple of TV's with regular cable. I just hooked up a 921 and just got the HD Pack and the VOOM channels and the Outdoor Channel. I have D* for NFL Ticket. Once E* adds the rest of the channels I will have almost every HD channel out there. BTW, I watched VICE, Guy TV, Majestic, Kung Fu, World Sport and Rave a lot. My kids watch Animania, Worldsport, Rush and Rave a lot. We watch the Premiums for new content, and the Voom Originals for movies I never saw or would have never been able to see in HD before. So Elvis may be dead, but not the VOOM originals. Now if Cox would only add Cinemax HD and TMCHD that would be cool.
I have to agree. While I thought Voom was great, satellite has become an expensive hassle which I no longer want to deal with. I enjoyed some of the Voom originals but given the choice of HD locals or GalleryHD I will take the HD locals. Of even greater value to me is having video on demand and 2 DVRs without the expenditure which E* or D* requires. And yes, the 3rd HD STB is also provided at no additional cost. IN 2-3 years when these boxes have been replaced by something better I will drive to the local cable office and swap them out at no expense to me.

I could go back to satellite some day but there is no compelling rush to do so. Comcast has given me a sweet deal for the next 16 months so I will wait and see what the landscape looks like at that time. WIth the money I am saving I can always add to my D-VHS collection.
I had Voom for three months or so and loved every minute of it.

I tend to agree tha the Voom21 was mostly fluff but I was growing addicted to HDNews and I would find something in the Voom21 if nothing was on HBO / Cinemax etc.

What I miss most from Voom is the value. Nothing out there compares to VaVaVoom for the money.

I have a basic Cox Digital package + HD + the HD DVR and my monthly charge is about the same as VaVaVoom was on one set.
I had Voom for 6 months and dropped it for economic/convergence reasons; the local cable company offered internet, hd-dvr, starz (w/HD)/starz vod, and 10 HD channels for A LOT less than I was paying previously. Also, I was able to cut-and-splice my way into 5 tuners, 4 tv's for no extra charge (hell, the installer encouraged it).

I also agree, to a point, that a lot of the content on the Voom 21 was ho-hum. But that will change. Pretty soon there will be more HD available than SD. Cable companies will soon switch to all digital transmission as well, removing the sd quality factor that's thus far given satellite an edge.

I'm not shilling for cable. I had D* for years before V*. Cable is taking advantage of the new technologies they can exploit for a small capital investment that would cost sat. companies millions.
richard_rd said:
Voom is not dead at my house. I am enjoying the Voom 10 offered by DishNetwork along with 5 OTA HD and the 5 HD channels in Dish's original HD pack. Hmmm, less see thats about 20 HD channels at my house, yes i am happy, very very happy!!!!!!!!
:) :) :)
Ditto! Plus I get 7 HD OTA. All this for a mere $19.95/month, I wonder what that COX cable bill will be after the honeymoon is over? :D And let's not forget that Dish will add the other 11 channels by next year. :yes
DarrellP said:
I wonder what that COX cable bill will be after the honeymoon is over? :D And let's not forget that Dish will add the other 11 channels by next year. :yes

I do not know about COX but the Comcast honeymoon is 16 months, which in this game is a lifetime. Certainly longer than the 3 month honeymoon offered by E*. I will save a lot of money during this period, will have the chance to see how things shake out, will enjoy the DVR's and VOD, and will not have to put up with E*'s horrible SD PQ.

I also would not count those 11 channels until I see them. Remember, the most frequently repeated phrase on the E* forums is, "Charlie lies"! :eek:
Amphicar770 said:
I do not know about COX but the Comcast honeymoon is 16 months, which in this game is a lifetime. Certainly longer than the 3 month honeymoon offered by E*. I will save a lot of money during this period, will have the chance to see how things shake out, will enjoy the DVR's and VOD, and will not have to put up with E*'s horrible SD PQ.

I also would not count those 11 channels until I see them. Remember, the most frequently repeated phrase on the E* forums is, "Charlie lies"! :eek:

Cox Phoenix is 90 bucks per month, they gave me 3 months of free Starz which is part of their HD Digital tier so for the 90, I got, 3 HD DVR's, no contracts, no money upfront and all the local stations available OTA in HD, InHD 1 & 2, ESPN-HD 1, UniversalHD and DiscoveryHD and also available are HBO and ShoHD whcih I didn't want. Can't really complain one bit, and on top of that, no install hassels, phantom deals, equipment purchases for gear that will go obsolete that I'd be stuck with etc.

Amphicar770 said:
I do not know about COX but the Comcast honeymoon is 16 months, which in this game is a lifetime. Certainly longer than the 3 month honeymoon offered by E*. I will save a lot of money during this period, will have the chance to see how things shake out, will enjoy the DVR's and VOD, and will not have to put up with E*'s horrible SD PQ.

I also would not count those 11 channels until I see them. Remember, the most frequently repeated phrase on the E* forums is, "Charlie lies"! :eek:

I find PQ on 942 very good, HD and SD. Better then Voom.
811 is a different story. Voom had better SD then 811.

As for lies - everybody lies. What do you think is that new D* commercial about 1500 HD chanells coming. Why they do not disclose that you will see only 4 or 5 of them in your guide. That is much, much bigger lie.
I find it ironic that people who pay $10,000 and more for Home Theaters are pinching pennies when it comes to the monthly programming charge and thereby not accessing the full spectrum of their HDTV capabilities. It's like buying a sports car but only putting in a cup of gas at a time just to drive around in the parking lot.
Since the transition to E*, I really haven't seen the overwelming endorsment that I thought I would for the Voom channels. Guess everyone is realizing that those channels are cool for about 7 minutes then you want something with some real content on them.

Sorry, but I'm starting to think that all the raving about the Voom channels was early adopters trying to justfy the time and money they invested in a pie in the sky dying service.
don't have 21 HD channels, I have about 10, and you know what, *STOP AND THINK ABOUT THIS*, how often did you really watch DEVINE or Monsters or the Fashion network or the Auction network all night long? We had a ton of channels but in reality more than half were pure crap, just eye candy for the envy of the neighbors and friends to say that we had all this HD programming.

I watched Monsters more than any other channel. And I'm getting it on Dish too since it's available. I'd pay $20/month for that channel alone. I would take MonstersHD over any of the networks, too. So everyone has different tastes. I'm just glad to still have the option to watch my favorite HD channel. And to save money doing it...
joemama said:
At least now you can't call me a troll and ignore my opinion. Fire away.
You were a troll several months ago, and things haven't changed. What makes you think you can't be called a troll now? :confused: :confused: Vicki
joemama said:
Since the transition to E*, I really haven't seen the overwelming endorsment that I thought I would for the Voom channels. Guess everyone is realizing that those channels are cool for about 7 minutes then you want something with some real content on them.

Sorry, but I'm starting to think that all the raving about the Voom channels was early adopters trying to justfy the time and money they invested in a pie in the sky dying service.
I completely disagree with all your points here. Voom was finally TV worth watching. I cannot be bothered with TV unless the programming is for an adult brain, is HD, and is commercial-free. That was Voom all over. It was real content worth buying an HDTV for.
I always enjoyed all of the Voom exclusive channels very much. I would have liked them to be a bit less repetitive, but never the less, I find them hard to do without. That is why I have signed up with Dish Network, and am anxiously awaiting installation so that I can at least get 10 of the channels back. I'll miss some of the ones for a while like Family Room, but hopefully Dish can get them added before too long. I watched the Voom exclusive channels as much or more than the other channels.
I had E* for three years before switching to Voom. When Voom was first installed, the Voom 21 didn't impress me. I already was getting all the locals I'd ever need OTA so it was the rest of the selection that I cared about. The repetitive nature of the Voom 21 schedule was initially a turn off, and I didn't think I was going to be interested in a lot of the programming that was offered. Boy was I wrong!
As time went on, my family found ourselves watching more and more of the Voom originals, and less of the conventional channels. Animania became the equal of PBS in viewing time for my kids, and as we watched more and more of the other channels the value of the content became obvious. RAVE has some great concerts from artists you're not going to see on the other music channels in HD and surround. Sure, many of them were from PBS/Soundstage, but you're not going to find them there when you want them. Others have pointed out the value in many of the other channels so I won't be repetitive.
I even began to appreciate the schedule repeats. With the exception of "24" and the F1 races on Speed Channel, I don't plan ahead when it comes to TV. For casual viewers there was always something on VOOM of interest. And if I saw something I just missed, I knew I had another opportunity. In the 6 months or so I had Voom, I actually watched very few things more than once.
Voom delivered a great selection and excellent mix of channels. The movie channels brought many of the old classics to life. Now that I'm back with E* I am reminded of all the frustration of having to put up with 180 channels just to get the two or three "must haves" to keep the family happy. Unfortunately I'll only ever watch less than a third of the "Top 180" because there is all this absolute cr^p to wade through like shopping channels, religious channels and other useless junk. And to top it off had to deal with clueless CSR's and speak to multiple people and almost beg to be taken back as a customer and pay more to get less that was of interest. Cable is unacceptable in my town, and Dish doesn't offer much HD, so I'm back with E*. I realize that what I call junk channels may be some folks cup 'o tea, but Voom didn't force all these extra channels on you just to make the numbers look good to impress the masses. There is not one channel on E* that was not on Voom that I missed when I switched. I can't say the same in the switch back to E*. The Voom selection (at the end) was quite possibly the best value anywhere. They just started out with a lot of marketing and technical problems and took too long to get it right.

Bob H.
I had VOOM for the past year. Also had E* Americas 120 (mostly for the 522 DVR) and Cox cable basic (To get a reduction on my internet access). Anyway, I was planning to switch to E* HD, especially since 10 Voom channels are going there. U also wanted to get the HD DVR.
I was waiting for the "Friday announcement" that has been mentioned in this forum.

After browsing this thread, I checked with Cox and sure enough, I got a HD DVR for no cost except monthly lease, one month free everything, four tiers of their pseudo premium channels and the HD channels that I watched most on VOOM anyway. That was DiscHD and UHD. I also got IHD1 and IHD2 which Voom didn't have. The Rush and Equator channels are the only ones I will miss, but they repeated way too much anyway.

The 8300 DVR is great. I did the install. Very simple. PQ is as good or better than Voom. SD PQ is definitely better. Guide is not as good as E* but to me, it's as good as Voom.

Bottom line, this all cost me only $25 more than I was already paying for Cox.
I'm really glad I happened on this thread and thank you people for making me realize that this was a good way to go.

Oh, by the way, has anyone been notified as to what we are to do with the leased Voom equipment?

I wondered why Voom Died, Now I know!

Will you switch to Dish Network?

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