It's Tuesday, what new channels do you predict?

ya, they have been added when i wake up tuesday morning. I'm dissappointed, but oh well.
bruce said:
Go here and it shows you everything uplinked on the satellite:

Not necessarily true. It's all that has been locked. There may be several 'hidden' channels, not locked for reception by stb's. Voom is testing and uplinking to AMC6, however lyngsat does not show the channel listings.
vurbano said:
you were corrected on this issue in another thread. Why do you persist in spreading this incorrect information?

You are talking about AMC-2, this shows what is on Rainbow-1, including some new channels like Nicktoons and the such, why do you wish to be so negative here, I would assume some people here that have Voom would like to check it out themselves to see what channels are newly uplinked.
bruce said:
You are talking about AMC-2, this shows what is on Rainbow-1, including some new channels like Nicktoons and the such, why do you wish to be so negative here, I would assume some people here that have Voom would like to check it out themselves to see what channels are newly uplinked.

AMC6 actually but its the same issue. It doesnt show whats hidden. The OP was asking for new unknown channels bruce. They wouldnt be shown on that site yet and you know it.

It's Tuesday......

I could refer two people now BUT!
