I don't know if anyone has actually seen the new software yet, but today I did. If this has been posted, then sorry, but if it hasn't, I will tell you about it. It came loaded on the unit I installed today. First off, when you turn on the unit, a splash screen comes up that says VOOM and at the bottom says something like starting or whatever. Looks really cool. Then you come to a screen that has like 6 or 8 different options. I can't remember all of them, but the ones I do are picture size (1080, 720 etc), then satellite signal strength. Then there is a Off air signal strenght. Below that is the AWESOME off air scan. Then there is an activation option, and a go to voom option.
Picture size-Basically, it asks you if you see the lettering, if you can't then it goes to the next one and you keep doing this until you can read the words that it asks you.
Satellite signal-Just like before, it gives you a bar that shows the strength.
Off air Signal-Looks like the satellite signal, and shows you where you have to be to avoid it going out while watching.
Off air scan-This kicks soooo much ass. All you do is go to the screen, hit ok and it scans like mad. I did a job right between Norfolk and Richmond and we got all of them! What it does is goes through the channels and shows you what ones you will get and what the strengths are (90, 92 etc). Now, it only showed us everything over like 88, which, I don't know what the cutoff is for the box before it doesn't map it. But it is so cool to watch it grab them. Then, all you have to is activate the box and the locals are all right there.
Activation-I went into this, and it is going to be the bomb when they have it working. I called to activate and asked them how to use it and the lady told me that it isn't up and working yet but will be soon. Basically, all you do is put in the work order number, account number, phone number and tech ID. Then hit ok, it dials out, and gets the activation right then. No more calling in and waiting 30 mins for a rep to answer. That is gonna be great!
Then the Voom button, which all it does is take you to the normal stuff that you see when watching TV. I did notice though, even though it was still downloading the guide and software stuff, that the guide and menu and channel changing is WAY FASTER. We were 45 miles from Norfolk locals and Richmond locals and we got all of them, with trees all over so this software must help out quite a bit with that. I am doing some more tomorrow, so I will take pictures of the new screens as I go through them. Poopsie