Its July 1, 2004 and no software.

The more I read the angrier I get.

I am a loyal charter member, I paid big $ for a box that still odes not work as it should with buggy software.

What is the deal with Voom??????????????
I'm with you, Bill!

Mr. Biggles said:
Wheres the options for ' This is the dumbest poll yet that I've ever read' or ' Wah! I'm a big baby and if I don't get my firmware right now I'm telling my mommy' or the one that most would choose ' I'm disapointed, but I can wait so they can get it right'

that's why I didn't vote.
I hope E* doesn't buy Voom. I left E* for D* before I got my HDTV. E* has nothing but problems. I'm keeping my D* system for now and adding V* for HD. V* will get shot to crap if Charlie gets his hands on it. Look at how E* is run now!
HDFreud said:
The more I read the angrier I get.

I am a loyal charter member, I paid big $ for a box that still odes not work as it should with buggy software.

What is the deal with Voom??????????????
Does the new fangled super duper Voom moto box stretch the bars out of 4:3 OTA? nope. DO simple functions like picture position work? nope. These are the functions I am most interested in besides OTA scanning. When Voom proves that the box can do everything my old Hughes e86 does then I will consider purchasing one. But first they have to prove that they have the hardware in the box to do the job. trust me people Id love to see it happen and buy the reciever and drop the rental fee. Comeon VOOM!!! Just show me the Da&M box works like it should.
I know how we can get the new S/W , ever one call voom and demand a new STB and with luck you get the new box with the new S/W on it before the D/L comes out.
Vurbano wrote:
Does the new fangled super duper Voom moto box stretch the bars out of 4:3 OTA? nope. DO simple functions like picture position work? nope.

Q#1: It can not be stretched as it is really a 16:9 HD frame being broadcast with only a 4:3 image.

Q#2:Picture position (Horizontal-vertical) is usually found in the user menu of your home theater (Hor/Vert) and in the service menu. Unless you mean overscan and that is strictly service menu.
Tvlman said:
Vurbano wrote:
Does the new fangled super duper Voom moto box stretch the bars out of 4:3 OTA? nope. DO simple functions like picture position work? nope.

Q#1: It can not be stretched as it is really a 16:9 HD frame being broadcast with only a 4:3 image.

Q#2:Picture position (Horizontal-vertical) is usually found in the user menu of your home theater (Hor/Vert) and in the service menu. Unless you mean overscan and that is strictly service menu.
#1 wrong, thats what I thought too until Lostcause showed me how to do it. The whole time I had D* I thought the same thing as you do now.See the pics just taken of NBC in HD of "scrubs" about 5 minutes ago. I only have 2 networks, the wb and pax that are not HD 24/7 16:9 or framed 4:3. My thanks to NBC for dropping the ball again and making this example possible, LMAO

#2 thats correct, but if its in the voom utilities it should work. And believe it or not some TV's do not even have simple horizontal and vertical postion anywhere but in the service menu. Mine is a case in point. And no im not talking about overscan, but a horizontal and vertical stretch tool would be a great idea.


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Come July 2nd can we officially retire this thread? But let's not start a new one called "It's July 2,2004 and no software"

It has given me "tired head" reading it throughout the day.

Let's all just wait for Sean to post a new thread when the software really does start to download. I'm sure he will be right on top of it.
Ferdy said:
A little off the subject of this mindless bickering, but what, exactly, is the difference between software and firmware?

Software usually refers to the application software that the PC or device uses to operate. The firmware is the "low level" software. The firmware contains the mathematical functions required for a device to operate. On a PC, the BIOS may be looked at as being Firmware. Any application engineers out there have a better answer????
firmware is more like "flashing" your bios onto the programmable chip in your computer. "Software" often refers to programs that only stay in memory temporarily. The software upgrade Voom will give us is really a firmware upgrade in that it will reside permanently on your moto until its changed and controls low level hardware functions. I am not a software engineer but hows that? did I get close?

Or the terms "soft"ware and "firm"ware could have come from Darrel's description of Jess's anatomy? :D
That is exactly what I am thinking. That is why, on this board, a lot of us keep refering to the Moto upgrade as Firmware, because that is truly what it is. And I like how you have made a thread merge with that last comment!!!!
firmware normally runs or is loaded from ROM, and includes as a minimum the low level interface. Software is reconfigurable and normally loads into RAM as a transient program.
occammd said:
firmware normally runs or is loaded from ROM, and includes as a minimum the low level interface. Software is reconfigurable and normally loads into RAM as a transient program.

This is getting off topic (and I always say stay on topic :) ). I always though that STBs had both just like a PC (after all STBs are PCs). There is OS that it runs and theirs the firmaware that is loaded on ROM (like when going to setup menu in a PC). So I thought that the correct terminology was software since this is what the stb (in this case VOOM) uses to comunicate with its hardware.
I don't think anybody here knows which part is which. when we get an update, part of it may be software and part firmware. it's swirmware, baby!
barth2k said:
I don't think anybody here knows which part is which. when we get an update, part of it may be software and part firmware. it's swirmware, baby!

That's a good terminology to describe it. :D
Sean Mota said:
I always thought that STBs had both just like a PC (after all STBs are PCs). There is OS that it runs and theirs the firmaware that is loaded on ROM (like when going to setup menu in a PC). So I thought that the correct terminology was software since this is what the stb (in this case VOOM) uses to comunicate with its hardware.
In case of computers, the difference between the firmware and the rest of the software is clear: the firmware is loaded from a chip, the OS and applications are loaded from a disk. In case of the STB, everything is loaded from a chip, so the difference is not so clear. I think for all practical purposes, most of us use these terms interchangeably.

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