Its July 1, 2004 and no software.

GregN said:
Relax kids its only TV .... let them test the image throughly before they roll it out.

How can you say that? You know down deep inside they have hoarded their best software from us since Day One! Are we stupid? It's been their deliberate plan all along!

I say, fire the torches, grab the pitchforks, and let's crash the place!! !protest
1080iBeVuMin said:
I say, fire the torches, grab the pitchforks, and let's crash the place!! !protest

Steal the sofware, load it up, and press the uplink button :D

How many are sitting on this thread waiting for news? ;)
Forgot to mention poll. I chose "until E* buys". Not sure that'll ever happen, but it'd be cool. I'm bascically with whoever provides the first HD-DVR that is reasonably price. That wasn't a poll choice, though.
My Vote is "None of the above". Simply I'll stay with VOOM until somebody else give me a better package (some combination of more HD channels, better PQ and/or better price).
Relax guys, the software update will come in the next few weeks. I'm a software development engineer and I know how this things work ;)
The update....

I agree with Walter L. I'm a software developer also. It's critical that VOOM get this update out and that it be right. The future of the company might possibly be riding on it. Now with that much at stake, you bet I would be careful.

There's no reasonable choice in the poll for me to vote either.

How many of you that don't have all of your digital locals mapped yet through VOOM have your TV connected up to your OTA antenna via an additional ANTENNA input so that you can bypass the VOOM STB and get all of your analog locals in the meantime. I just use a splitter on the line that goes to the 8VSB module on the VOOM box and connect the line to an available antenna line in on your set. I get 20 analog locals of the 28 listed at for my location and I get 12 additional digital locals via VOOM. Yeah sure the analog OTA stations are in SD but at least you get something.

Like a few reasonable people here I'm willing to wait until the software/firmware is deemed ready.
5.68 is stable man I agree with the level-headed people who'd rather Voom get it right than have it turn into a disaster that needs to be repatched.
Wheres the options for ' This is the dumbest poll yet that I've ever read' or ' Wah! I'm a big baby and if I don't get my firmware right now I'm telling my mommy' or the one that most would choose ' I'm disapointed, but I can wait so they can get it right'

I can't believe the number that voted 'one month or their leaving'. Get a frickin grip!

You've slammed into the bottom with this one Vurbano. Not having the firmware released when one thought it would be is a bit disappointing...but c'mon. Most of your posts have been informational and constructive, but your hang-up on this 'promised' firmware passing it's release date is boring to say the least.
I think its pretty logical to assume that if Voom puts off OTA scanning 4 additional months that it will be hemmoraging customers. OTA scanning is badly needed to stop subscriber churn. The result of 4 additional months of inaction could only mean that its over for voom or that they simply do not care. That was the thought behind the 4th option. Those that choose not to vote, too bad. But you probably wouldnt have been happy with 50 choices.
cyuhnke said:
As much as I dislike Ken H and his borderline autistic personality, he does have a lot of scoops.
You are too funny sometimes. LMAO @ borderline autistic personality
Look, I'm just as frustrated as many of you regarding Voom's ongoing issues. However, these are the barriers that must be overcome when starting up a new company.

If you are tired of waiting for the problems to be fixed, then cancel your service and go back to D*, E*, or cable. No one would blame you, spend your money on what makes you a happy or satisfied consumer.

I'm not trying to offend anyone...but if your biggest problem in life is incorrect mapping of your OTA and audio drop-outs of your Voom channels then your leading a pretty good life. Man, I get tired of reading posts from the same people who do nothing but piss & moan about how unhappy they are with Voom's service.

That's not to say that problems should not be discussed, or elevated to Voom employees / management. But please, can we limit the "my world is gonna end because I didn't get the new update" posts? :D

You have three options: 1) Be patient 2) Cancel Voom / Select another HD provider 3) Start your own HD satellite company and show all of us how a real company should be run.
Let's put it this way, I rather wait for a VOOM software upgrade than wait for D* to fullfill the promise of "double or triple the number of HD channels by the end of 2004" ;)
Wilt just posted this on the YAHOO Group:

"One of the delays with the "scanning" code push, in fact, is that we're
waiting a bit to see if we can get in a few more fixes from a subsequent
build into this one; CC stuff is one of them."

So that explains the delay.
subdude212 said:
There's no reasonable choice in the poll for me to vote either.

How many of you that don't have all of your digital locals mapped yet through VOOM have your TV connected up to your OTA antenna via an additional ANTENNA input so that you can bypass the VOOM STB and get all of your analog locals in the meantime.

That may not work for some. Two FM Traps isn't enough for me to get rid of the FM interference making most analog stations unwatchable. In addition those channels not plagued with FM interference have interference caused by co and adjacent channel digital stations.

Analog OTA just isn't a viable option, but the digital OTA is.
Mr. Biggles said:
Wheres the options for ' This is the dumbest poll yet that I've ever read' or ' Wah! I'm a big baby and if I don't get my firmware right now I'm telling my mommy' or the one that most would choose ' I'm disapointed, but I can wait so they can get it right'

I can't believe the number that voted 'one month or their leaving'. Get a frickin grip!

You've slammed into the bottom with this one Vurbano. Not having the firmware released when one thought it would be is a bit disappointing...but c'mon. Most of your posts have been informational and constructive, but your hang-up on this 'promised' firmware passing it's release date is boring to say the least.
Aparently 1/3 of those that voted feel differently.
Sean Mota said:
"One of the delays with the "scanning" code push, in fact, is that we're
waiting a bit to see if we can get in a few more fixes from a subsequent
build into this one; CC stuff is one of them. :-)

CC= closed caption? Not to knock Vooms deaf customers but is it really a pressing issue? No it is not. Voom's current business model depends on OTA. OTA scanning is what is required to drastically reduce installation issues and customer loss.

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