Fox News is #1 in cable news for a reason. They are fair and balanced, laugh if you will but those who watch know that to be true. I should know, I watch it all the time. I am not a GOP extremist at all. I am economically conservative and socially liberal. I know liberals and ultra-conservatives that do watch it, and it really is a great channel. Fox News is fair to both sides and everything in between. The problem with the anti-fox news crowd is that they actually have never sat and watched it. Sure you can find bad examples of anything on You Tube of something that may sound far right, but you can find the same for just about any topic. I have Fox News on in the background whenever I am working on the computer or reading, so I hear what is going on and they are not far right. Just look at Alan Combs.
I am big into the financial markets (not that I am rich off them) and I am hoping BH will carry the new Fox Financial network whenever they decide to launch it. With the success of FNC, I am sure they will carry it.
I agree that there are a lot of people that don't watch ESPN2. I really don't even watch sports with the exception of the Bucs and I am a die hard Lightning fan, but ESPN1/2 are pretty much standard fare and to remain competitive, both should be offered to subscribers in the HD format. Knology in Pinellas County has ESPN2 HD, thus, so should BHN.
stevi- you are getting better about the negative comments towards me, and I do appreciate it. Aside from the direct jab at me regarding the Fox News Channel of course. But you'll get there I'm sure.