Is there anywhere to find out...


Silent Key - RIP 1/2/2012
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 7, 2003
What area's Verizon FIOS service is coming to soon or for that matter what areas is Verizon DSL is going to be started soon? Any and all info is appreciated. I am particularly interested in Grafton,NH for either dsl or FIOS service.

I recently posted a tread on Verizon FIOS in Virginia. Much of this information is a matter of public record so you may have to gather the information in your particular area. Additionally, all Cable TV Franchise Agreements in the Commonwealth of Virginia are handled by Verizon Virginia, Inc. (a wholly-owned subsiderary of Verizon Communications, Inc.). This is probably the same in your State or the New England area. If so, I'm sure they will have a Governmental Affairs division that will be more than happy to tell you what localities they have filed formal application and/or are negotiating with for cable TV franchise agreements. Also, don't be afraid to contact your local governments who are the local franchise authority...specifically your Cable TV & Telecommunications Departments. Some items may be posted on their website and other items they will be happy to share with you..assuming they aren't of a confidential nature.
korsjs said:
do you have verizon phone service in your area now?

Yes I do, but the pop of Grafton is only about 1000 people so I'm not holding my breath waiting for high speed dsl or fios service anytime soon.
i did a search and did not find any info for your area. give them a call and ask them if fios is coming.

have you seen any trucks with big orange cable?

let us know what they say.

mobile dish

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