If DirecTV is going to move towards the cable company model on equipment (leased receivers), they need to move towards a cable company model on the techs as well and hire their own installers/techs. I had a new install done yesterday, and the techs were actually very nice and competent, however it was very disorganized. My DirecTV order confirmation showed clearly HD DVR, HD receiver and SL5S dish (slimline/swm). They got there and just pulled out a random dish, LNB, and didn't even have an HD receiver on the truck. If they can't keep their own inventory straight, just send me the equipment to hold onto until the installer arrives. Luckily they had a SWM LNB and another installer a few miles away had an extra HD receiver that they were able to go get, but geez..very unprofessional.
When I worked for an HSP they were almost always out of something at the warehouse (little things... like dishes and receivers). I don't know how many times I had to get to the warehouse at 7am, wait for them to work through the bottleneck of installers getting equipment and turning in payroll paperwork, wait until 8:30 for the 7:30 tech meeting and listen to why we need to use fiberglass ladders for the third time (meanwhile ever ladder on every truck in the parking lot was a fiberglass one) and then get told that they didn't have the equipment I needed for that day's installs yet alone for the whole week of installs I was supposed to stock up for... So I had to wait until 10am for the truck to come in that "might have it on it" or find a tech an hour away that happened to have one on his truck that he didn't need.... All this while they knew I was going to be at the warehouse that day, because it is the same day and time every week, but managed to schedule me three 8am-12am jobs anyhow...
This is just one of the smaller problems at an HSP, but is a HUGE reason why they can't show up on time or with the right equipment. Factor in the other days of the week when we are not at the warehouse and need the equipment so we have to spend 2 hours getting the equipment before we can even start the 6 hours of work they want us to wedge into a 4 hour timeframe (that's a decent workload).
Now, think of the vast amount of things an installer may need on his truck for a week's work... Stanard boxes, DVRs, HD boxes, HDDVRS, 18" dish, AU2, Slimline, SWM dishes, SWM switches, 3x4 switches, 4x4 switches, 6x8 switches, f-connectors, ect....
Let's top that off with the fact that all of the time and effort to get the equipment and manage your inventory, find equipment they didn't have, go to the warehouse, ect... is UNPAID TIME. On top of the instal workload these "employee" installers at the HSP have about 10 hours a week at work where they don't earn a nickle.
When I was at the HSP I proposed to the higher ups that they hire a "runner" for the techs. Meaning that you have at least one guy/gal in a D* van full of various equipment and if an installer has a job for which they don't have the equipment needed this runner can bring it to them.
Think about this...
I get to your house, the work order didn't say DVR. I don't have a DVR... I have to spend
15-30 minutes finding one
30-60 minutes driving to the warehouse to get it or to a tech that has an extra
30-60 minutes back to your house.
that's 1:15 to 2:30 that I just spent not installing anything!
If they had a runner in place I could have started the install and spent that time working while the runner, who already has the equipment, gets to me within the hour. Now my whole day isn't shift an hour or two, I can get to the next job earlier and possibly on time! The customer is confident because they just saw a well oiled machine taking care of them and not a flustered and confused technician scramble to get their equip or worse... reschedule them or have teh customer just flat out cancel...
From my experience I have seen many installs all out cancelled because of lateness and/or lack of equipment and if someone would finally actually address the problems they would probably make more than the cost of fixing the issue in customer service and less cancelled orders.... this isn't to mention how many "no line of sight" and "unable to locate" jobs are called in by techs who are desperately trying to not be installing until midnight.