Jhon69 said:Hate to burst your bubble but the best HD PQ is OTA HD PQ.![]()
I said better. Not best.
Jhon69 said:Hate to burst your bubble but the best HD PQ is OTA HD PQ.![]()
I can even understand their general poor attitude towards 3D, in general, even if I disagree with it. But, this "not enough BW" excuse for not carrying the 3D Olympic channel is pure, unadulterated BS. Just use the bandwidth freed up by dropping AMC HD and SD, plus IFC, WE, and Sundance. It's only for a couple of weeks, for cryin' out loud. Jeez.
If little podunk cableco's like Armstrong, Blue Ridge, Suddenlink, WideOpen West and Bend Broadband can do it, Dish certainly could. But, they are letting this anti-3D attitude permeate every programming decision. My guess is it's a top-down philosophy from the skinny guy himself.
Smaller providers will pay less because they have less eyes watching them. But I'm bet it's roughly the same, percentage-wise, as the big boys pay. And what about Comcast and Direct TV? They're both quite a bit bigger than Dish and they didn't have a problem paying (and probably paying more than what Dish would have to pay). I don't have any 3D equipment, so it really doesn't affect me. But it is a shame that Dish customers are left out of this.Michael, it almost certainly costs money to get the rights to retransmit the 3D programming. While the smaller providers, because they are small, don't pay much, I'll bet NBC saw $$$ and demanded a great deal, or placement on every package, or both.
Despite its growing revenue, the company underperformed as compared with the industry average of 13.3%.
Since the same quarter one year prior, revenues rose by 11.1%. This growth in revenue does not appear to
have trickled down to the company's bottom line, displayed by a decline in earnings per share.
Regardless of the somewhat mixed results with the debt-to-equity ratio, the company's quick ratio of 0.97 is
Net operating cash flow has slightly increased to $858.55 million or 1.68% when compared to the same
quarter last year. Despite an increase in cash flow, DISH NETWORK CORP's cash flow growth rate is still
lower than the industry average growth rate of 16.04%.
In its most recent trading session, DISH has closed at a price level that was not very different from its closing
price of one year earlier. This is probably due to its weak earnings growth as well as other mixed factors. The
fact that the stock is now selling for less than others in its industry in relation to its current earnings is not
reason enough to justify a buy rating at this time.
The company, on the basis of change in net income from the same quarter one year ago, has significantly
underperformed when compared to that of the S&P 500 and the Media industry. The net income has
significantly decreased by 34.4% when compared to the same quarter one year ago, falling from $549.39
million to $360.31 million.
rajmarie said:Exactly...& because no enough people brought their over priced 3D ppv...maybe dish believe there is not enough demand on their system.
Hopefully.A 3D channel takes up the same room as a 3D channel.
Both...Sky will be getting BBC channels/feeds But, BBC is originating.Is the UK broadcast on Sky or BBC?