Is Dish going to provide the NBC 3D Channel for the Olympics?

Picture looks absolutely fabulous. What's the framerate?

(Crysis also looked incredible on my PC but at 6 FPS it was unplayable)
I am guessing 30 frames per second.No stutter at all. Looks outstanding on my 50 inch HDTV. (Watching it on there using a Boxee Box with the SlingPlayer app for Boxee.) :)
I am guessing 30 frames per second.No stutter at all. Looks outstanding on my 50 inch HDTV. (Watching it on there using a Boxee Box with the SlingPlayer app for Boxee.) :)
Ok, I'm still pretty much Roku ignorant in terms of the private channels. Can we get what you are getting and how??
Wow this opening video was made for 3D and I can tell you it will look amazing in 3D! You could almost see the effects and imagine how they would look while watching the 2D broadcast.
BBC World News (watching on iPhone) are talking about it instead of showing it.

Katty Kay just mentioned the cost of this opening ceremony is half of that for Bejing 2008, but one million times what the cost of the first time it was held in London. :eek:
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I think its definitely a cost issue. I used to be a stock holder but after meeting the new management at CES, Charlie has in place I went back to the hotel that night and accessed my account and sold all my DISH stock. I have no faith in the new CEO nor the top team. Since the new management took over, Dish has lost earnings per share over the past year. In a market where most good companies have gained EPS, Dish was a loser. The rub was they gained subscribers at great cost to their bottom line. Just recently I saw Dish has placed an offering of $1B in senior notes to be used for general operating budget. When you borrow money to cover current operating costs that is like when we buy groceries and pay our electric bill with a credit card and then hope things will get better when the bill comes in because our monthly bills exceed our salary. This is usually a bad sign of trouble to come for a company when current revenue doesn't meet operating expenses.
So, while I did hear some scuttle of execs telling me that 3D has no interest among their subscribers, the truth is, I believe the company cant afford to increase expenses unless it has an immediate return on investment. If they felt they could charge for a temp channel they may have done it but since all the other MSO's aren't charging, how would that look?

I understand your point, but on the flip side, if a company's management only thinks in the short term, they are doomed, too.

The public relations of not carrying 3D for the Olympics is horribly negative.

Imagine your neighbors come up to you, and ask, "Wasn't that opening ceremony in 3D amazing?",

You have to answer, "We have Dish Network. They didn't have it in 3D."

"Oh." "Glad I don't have Dish Network."

How many companies have failed, because their products "weren't compatible"? How many have failed, because they didn't keep up? Blackberry comes to mind.

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Wife is now happy that we have the Roku. After getting the free one from Dish, I went out to the local BJ's Club and got an XS. That one came with the game controller. I now have the XD here in the computer room.
What came first, the chicken or the egg ? If anyone dislikes Dish's stance on 3DTV, hit them where it hurts - in the pocketbook. Cancel Dish, tell them why, and go to a provider with 3D channels.
One must weigh all aspects of the choice in carrier. Certain channels may carry more weight than others. Cost. Hardware. These are all things to be considered.

If the only difference between Dish and DirecTV, Comcast, or U-verse was just 3D or the 3D Olympic channel, the choice would be easy. But, for me, they carry a channel not available on DirecTV that is the most-watched channel in my household. Plus, they carry it in HD which is not available on ANY carrier in my area. So, my only choice is to make my displeasure heard, and desires known, through written word.

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