Is Dish going to provide the NBC 3D Channel for the Olympics?

I'll say it again. Show it to who exactly? The miniscule amount of subscribers who 1. have a 3D TV, 2. AND have a 3D capable Dish receiver 3. AND are going to watch the Olympics? I'm not saying Dish should not do it, in fact I have said they probably should since it is short term, good chance to see how it is received. But don't make it sound like any meaningful number of subscribers are being deprived. I already posted with links the number of homes with 3D, using that percentage, and that by far the vast majority of Dish subscribers do not have a 3D capable receiver, in fact most don't have an HD receiver, you are in the 300,000 maybe 400,000 or so range of subscribers. More people live in my County in Florida.
Me, that's who. I got all this equipment so I could watch stuff. In hd and 3d when available.

By your logic, since "most" don't have a HD receiver, they should just turn off all the HD channels. That would only affect a small number of subscribers.
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Me, that's who. I got all this equipment so I could watch stuff. In hd and 3d when available.

By your logic, since "most" don't have a HD receiver, they should just turn off all the HD channels. That would only affect a small number of subscribers.

No because you twisted it. While most do not have HD receivers, Millions do, not like three hundred thousand or so that could have 3D via Dish. There is no credible argument that can be made that there are but a miniscule amount of Dish subscribers that can actually get 3D and would watch it if they did it for the Olympics if Dish provided it. Once again, I think it would be great if Dish did it for those who want it, but it won't affect 97% or more of their subscribers.
I think you completly missed my point about most don't have an HD receiver. I'm being generous when using the 14 million subs as a basis for the percentage who might be able to get 3D from Dish based on homes with 3D TV.. In reality we are starting with less than 7 million and taking that percentage. So it could actually be less.
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What about USN? Is that in HD yet? If so, why hasn't Dish uplinked that yet? I won't expect any 3D channels as Dish is stating that there is little room for HD channels.

In another thread, a person who said he worked for USN said that it was being broadcast in HD. When watching it, it is in HD aspect, just nor full screen. To me, it looks like it is in HD quality.
And just how is 3d going to ever take off if no one wants to broadcast it?? I remember going thru all of this with HD. Everyone was saying its no big deal, not that many people have HD sets so why broadcast it? If the broadcasters dont do 3D, no one sees it and everyone jumps on the wagon that its just a passing thing. And how the heck does it hurt the nay sayers if Dish does do a 3d channel?? I don't understand that. Because someone decided to spend their money to buy 3d equipment because they enjoy 3d, they make it sound like we are pushing it down their throat. You have a bunch on non 3d channels, go watch one of those and leave us alone.
I got to agree. If you don't like 3D that is fine, but there are also a lot that do.

I feel DISH made a mistake by not at least giving it a shot as I have a feeling there are more 3D TV's out there hooked up to DISH then they know about. And I am sure that if they had the 3D version those with 3DTV's who have no interest in 3D might just give it a try and they might find that they actually enjoy it. :)
No because you twisted it. While most do not have HD receivers, Millions do, not like three hundred thousand or so that could have 3D via Dish. There is no credible argument that can be made that there are but a miniscule amount of Dish subscribers that can actually get 3D and would watch it if they did it for the Olympics if Dish provided it. Once again, I think it would be great if Dish did it for those who want it, but it won't affect 97% or more of their subscribers.I think you completly missed my point about most don't have an HD receiver. I'm being generous when using the 14 million subs as a basis for the percentage who might be able to get 3D from Dish based on homes with 3D TV.. In reality we are starting with less than 7 million and taking that percentage. So it could actually be less.
The real trouble is that, if you look at the list of participating pay-tv providers, even smaller, regional cablecos are involved with this. Dish is a large, national provider, yet can't be bothered with finding the bandwith to support this effort. It's one thing to take pride in being different from the other providers. It's another thing not to even bother participate in a channel that all of it's rivals are in.
I got to agree. If you don't like 3D that is fine, but there are also a lot that do.

I feel DISH made a mistake by not at least giving it a shot as I have a feeling there are more 3D TV's out there hooked up to DISH then they know about. And I am sure that if they had the 3D version those with 3DTV's who have no interest in 3D might just give it a try and they might find that they actually enjoy it. :)

Maybe when Dish offered the over-priced 3D PPV movies on-demand...there was not much Dish decided that 3D is waste. Similarly..I wonder if Dish really gets that many customer to demand so many PPV movies channel??

I dont have 3D capablel TV right now...but will still want Dish to atleast carry major events in 3D is available.
There is not much interest in DISH's 3D PPV's because they price them too damn high. The way they price them I might as well go out and buy it on Bluray.
I agree with you Scott. There have been many times I have wanted to rent an 3d movie on Dish, but there is no way I am going to let them stick it to me on the super high price. I will watch them on Vudu and save some money. Dish loses my money on this one.
I agree with you Scott. There have been many times I have wanted to rent an 3d movie on Dish, but there is no way I am going to let them stick it to me on the super high price. I will watch them on Vudu and save some money. Dish loses my money on this one.
As much money as they make on all PPV, they are making less than they could if they would just price them reasonably.
You know, Dish sends out e-mails to it's 14 million subs quite often. Either in a billing sense or to mention upcoming specials. I just received one yesterday expounding the reasons I should up-grade to the 250 package even to the point of offering it for free for the first month. Why not just send out a e-mail asking three simple questions. 1. How many subs own a 3D TV? 2. How many are planning on buying a 3D TV within the next 12 months? 3. Would 3D programming be something you would watch on a regular basis?
On this site we see constant pro and con debates concerning who really cares about 3D. Well, how about if Dish actually finds out? It's not rocket science. Just ask.
You know, Dish sends out e-mails to it's 14 million subs quite often. Either in a billing sense or to mention upcoming specials. I just received one yesterday expounding the reasons I should up-grade to the 250 package even to the point of offering it for free for the first month. Why not just send out a e-mail asking three simple questions. 1. How many subs own a 3D TV? 2. How many are planning on buying a 3D TV within the next 12 months? 3. Would 3D programming be something you would watch on a regular basis?
On this site we see constant pro and con debates concerning who really cares about 3D. Well, how about if Dish actually finds out? It's not rocket science. Just ask.

You know the old saying, Don't ask the question if you don't want to hear the answer.
I've been saying the same thing for years. When they were $2.99 I thought that price was reasonable. I even bought some back then. When they went to $3.99 I said okay , I 'll just buy less. When they went up to $4.99 for sd and $5.99 for hd and $6.99 for pre recorded vod on 501 , I said NO WAY! IF DISH was smart they would offer the same low prices of Red box. People would buy more and they could make up the money on volume of subs who would use them alone. What good is having them priced so high that no one watches them -except for free pay per coupons?:confused:
Scott Greczkowski said:
DISH loses ALL my business when it comes to PPV. Why pay $7.99 for a movie when I can rent it elsewhere for $2?

Exactly...& because no enough people brought their over priced 3D ppv...maybe dish believe there is not enough demand on their system.
I guess Charlie is one that doesn't pituitary like 3d. So if HE doesn't like it, it must not be good for us! They have their head suck in the sand. My God, Direct, Comcast and everyone else is showing 3d. Once again, we have to wait until Dish is FORCED to do it because customers are abandoning ship. I have been with Dish for over 13 years and its the same ol story all over again.........
Why not just send out a e-mail asking three simple questions. 1. How many subs own a 3D TV? 2. How many are planning on buying a 3D TV within the next 12 months? 3. Would 3D programming be something you would watch on a regular basis?
On this site we see constant pro and con debates concerning who really cares about 3D. Well, how about if Dish actually finds out? It's not rocket science. Just ask.

Agree 100%. Maybe Dish has done research, and I don't know how many respond to questionnaires in their bill. But however they do it getting a handle on it seems prudent. I also agree by charging what Dish does it diminishes demand. I don't pretend to know the economics of it, meaning what it costs Dish, but it sure seems a lower price would bring in more money.
Even Charter, which has to be one of the most backwards cable companies in the country, now has 3D VOD and will have the Olympics in 3d. Jeeze, they didn't even have HD forever.....

The real trouble is that, if you look at the list of participating pay-tv providers, even smaller, regional cablecos are involved with this. Dish is a large, national provider, yet can't be bothered with finding the bandwith to support this effort. It's one thing to take pride in being different from the other providers. It's another thing not to even bother participate in a channel that all of it's rivals are in.

That's a reasonable point. Stop being reasonable. :)

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