Inexpensive HD FTA receivers from Far East on e-bay

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We aren't talking miracles or magic. Pretty hard to totally brick a STB if you are using a correct firmware build. An editor may soft brick (corrupting user data base), but with serial connection most can be restored. Save firmware as an .abs file to USB for back-up. This file could also be used for restoring via USB or serial. Just don't load firmware for another STB and don't install/overwrite the bootloader.

One version of Ali editor will work, but the user would need to determine what version is compatible. Trial and error using .abs file type.

I see a serial connection on the PCB. It doesn't have a connector installed, but easy to solder directly or use pogo posts. Attempt a read from this port to confirm pin config (no external power if you aren't sure) about reading the PCB traces and determine type of serial communication.
If an Android DVBS uses anything other than DVB Player and 1st generation dual core AmLogic, it might be worth playing with. Otherwise, it will be a very frustrating experience. Make sure that it has adequate onboard flash. This is a big problem with the cheaper units.

Kodi on newer quad core hardware provides an acceptable STB experience, but most STBs are much more friendly. If you don't have high expectations, you won't be disappointed. :)
I tested a similar receiver last year and it has the msd-7816 configuration. Similar menu screens and the performance was similar to the openbox s9 or s10.
If you are really curious about the chipset and tuner, the fins could be heated and removed
I am curious (as usual), but tried to avoid applying heat. Was hoping that twisting torque would do the job, but to no avail.
Just pinched the edge fin with metal angles and hung it above sponge, 1/4 " high. For more torque, loaded the rec's edge with spool of tin.
After 3 days, considering applying heat, but how? Soldering gun ? Or, just plugging in its 12 V power supply? In this case, I would have to sit and watch, because without heatsink, the chip can get cooked...
IMG_0707.JPG IMG_0708.JPG
That GUI looks very similar to my Skybox F3, in fact the STB is very similar in size and layout so presume they all come out of the same factory. Following pressure from Sky TV they were rebranded to Openbox and I understand they're now called Libertview. I've had mine a couple of years, in fact we got it to watch the BBC HD Multistreams for the London Olympics. Blindscan is super quick and if it only did 422 it would be the near perfect feed hunting STB! The F3 does have one major software bug that prevents it moving dishes more than 60° either side of south which is a pain but apart from that I can't fault especially for the price.
Can you post some info how you like the receiver, i have order one to will be hear in 2 weeks.
It's probably easy enough to just add our NA satellites to the list and scan them in with proper names using the remote, except in the photo it doesn't appear to be alphanumeric. My microHD remote is the same way and I use another remote for quick visual reference.

I would definitely create a USB backup of the .abs file if possible before a channel editor is tested out in case a rescue is needed.
Works just fine. Fast blindscan on both dvbs & dvbs2. Picked up the 125w pbs stations no problem and plays the RTN/Revn on 97 with no issues. Manual comes in English and the remote is fine, but like all boxes is layed out differently.

Definitely haven't put it through its paces, but for a secondary reciever for my shop it works. Actually ordered a second one last night for the bedroom at the lake so I can have a S2 box there. For $31 shipped if it lasts a year that's good enough for me.
What glue can be used to fasten the heatsink to processor?
I also plan to paint the fins black, just in case...
Something similar to this:
Amazon product ASIN B0009IQ1BU

Look around and see what the video overclockers recommend. I think those guys also use little aftermarket vga chip heatsinks with 12v fans if you want to upgrade your cooling.
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Adventures of Wyatt Earp

91 Cband and 91 Ku on one dish?
