Dish may waive the cost of the second dish to the customer but still pay the contractor. We do this all the time.So you want a non-standard install for the standard price of free?
Hire a local contractor, pay a fair rate, buy the equipment you want.
Standard installations don't fit every person's desires.
For example, I roll on a 4 orbital slot job, D-1000 Plus. I can't get a shot at 129. 61.5 is a viable option. I call Dish, get the work order modified to reflect the second dish and lnb. The customer is not charged for said equipment. However, Dish pays my employer for the additional EQ and labor.
On retail jobs(we are also a retailer) we will charge the customer for the second dish and labor. The customer is inforemd that this is a possibiulty and is aware BEFORE they sign the agreement. There are no stones left unturned.