Well I will be anxious to see how sirius does on dish... I will get to move my xm home reciever into my office instead of bein on top of my entertainment center
I personally have three xm units and am 1000% happy with them... XM is awesome.... not sure what charlie is doing with signing on Sirius but I am sure they made the deal pretty sweet to bump their numbers up cause they are hurting for people to listen... According to recent MSNBC and Newsweek articles XM has 1.68 Million subscribers and Sirius has 260,000 subscribers... the numbers say alot about the two companies.... having Dish onboard will make their sibscriber numbers appear to be inflated and allow them to do alot more head to head marketing with XM... But I wll stay with XM and enjoy my free sirius on Dish hehe 
Well I will be anxious to see how sirius does on dish... I will get to move my xm home reciever into my office instead of bein on top of my entertainment center
