Im Now getting Sirius

They are on and Sounds fantastic. I have both a 721 and a Home Kenwood H2A Sirius Unit. And the sound is much more Robust and Full coming from the 721 vs. the Kenwood unit.

:) :yes
Listening to Sirius Folktown on Denon 3803 PLII/M
and it sounds great,interveiw with last muscian
on now
Scott Greczkowski said:
XM is not owned by Clear Channel eaither.

On Sirius you email requests and you get a form letter back saying they will try to play your request within 48 hours.

I believe Clear Channel has about 3% ownership of XMSR.

Sirius does have an improvement over the email system now. It is still being beta tested, but so far so good.
Sirius & Call In Numbers

SiriusRich & Scott Greczkowski just wanted to inform you guys that driving into work this morning, I heard a DJ on either Alt Nation or Octane mention something about having a call in number soon.

She didn't say too much about it, but said that it was coming soon.

I would not be surprised if this were to happen.

Problem is since they lay down tracks in pre-recorded fashion, then it might be tough.

I do know that I have ALWAYS had replies from Sirius when my songs would play and would hear them go out.

Sirius hopes many dish network subscribers will really like their channels, and then go out and buy the hardware/subscription for their car. This will certainly happen, to some extent. However, it could also mean increased subs for XM--as many dish customers who now want satellite radio for their car, will not blindly go out and automatically buy Sirius, but they will do some research, and just might want XM. So, this is really a great thing for satellite radio, in general.

I have XM in my car, and have had sirius in my home for several months now. I absolutely love both services. I think its tremendous that Dish has Sirius, as the music is superior to the dreaded "musak". I'd trade all the Musak channels for one HD channel.
What I am going to do is find a stream that I really like then burn a block of it to a CDRW. I can listen while I am driving to/from work then write over it the next day. Cheap temporary alternative until I get my new car with Sirius intalled at the factory (or dealer depending on car).

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