If you could add a product, feature or make a change...

I'd like an option to get a larger hard drive OR put back the support for external drives. I lost a lotta programming that weekend
when they did the software "upgrade" (with no heads up)


You lost a lot of programming? Odd because your recordings should have been fine. Was there more to this story by some chance?
I think he means the programs or movies were saved on his external drive, then y'all put in software that made the external not work any more.
What i meant was, we pay for chs that we dont watch, that bhn has added, i dont watch any of lifestyles chs, i pay $7.00 for sportspass just to see the outdoor ch,and sportman ch, if i want the espns chs ,i have to get their digital advantage package, , so bascically i pay about $115. per month to watch maybe total of 20 chs, so part of my payment goes to pay for chs that non sports fans can get, that i dont watch.

Feb1003 correct me if I am wrong but I think what you are asking for is something similar to a la carte pricing and packaging. In a perfect world that might work but we aren't in a perfect world (yet) especially as it applies to retrans contracts. In many cases in order for us to get one channel that almost everyone likes we are required to carry other channels offered by the same content provider as part of the deal . It's one of those all or nothing deals. This makes it very difficult to break channels out on a one by one basis.

There is also that issue of provisioning and customer selection...right now the average customer spends just a few minutes on the phone with a sales rep to arrange for services. A la carte throws a whole new layer of complexity into the equation especially as it applies to how is the customer going to choose between 350+ channels in a reasonable period of time. Then there is the billing aspect...how do we bill for channels that are part of a package deal...the list goes on and on and on and there is no easy solution to this yet. Of course then there's the issue of staggered retrans contracts...how do we implement something like this when it would most likely have to be done in stages and yet give the customer the best choices possible in the meantime.

I'm not trying to make excuses for not doing it...just want you to see the bigger picture and some of the headaches it creates. That said we are always looking for ways to give our customers more choice in their programming so your suggestion is a good one and hopefully one day soon we'll all get closer to that perfect world situation :)
I think he means the programs or movies were saved on his external drive, then y'all put in software that made the external not work any more.

Um nooo...because the latest updates did nothing in that area. The eSATA function for all intents has been a non-supported, non working function for most for some time now. I'm thinking more along the lines that his box didn't play well with the update and needed to be swapped...rare...but it does happen.
Yes. The external drive was working fine, and had much programming in it, including whole seasons of a couple series that I hadn't watched. One weekend, I noticed some menus were different and then I saw that I was only 35% full. I don't remember WHAT it was, but it had changed. I've assumed it was a software change.

Any docs I read did stress that once you start recording with an external drive, the info on that drive cannot be read without the DVR and they said that replacing the DVR would also make the data unreadable.

I don't remember which DVR I was originally given, but it didn't support the e-sata port. It turned out that another DVR did support it, and it was just a simple swap at my local BH office.

It's not a deal breaker, but it was nice, not having to worry about shows not recording due to lack of space.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Yes. The external drive was working fine, and had much programming in it, including whole seasons of a couple series that I hadn't watched. One weekend, I noticed some menus were different and then I saw that I was only 35% full. I don't remember WHAT it was, but it had changed. I've assumed it was a software change.

Any docs I read did stress that once you start recording with an external drive, the info on that drive cannot be read without the DVR and they said that replacing the DVR would also make the data unreadable.

I don't remember which DVR I was originally given, but it didn't support the e-sata port. It turned out that another DVR did support it, and it was just a simple swap at my local BH office.

It's not a deal breaker, but it was nice, not having to worry about shows not recording due to lack of space.

Happy Thanksgiving.


So if I understand you correctly you switched DVR's for whatever reason? If so then yes you would lose those recordings...forgive me if I've veered off in the wrong direction but to some degree your posts are a bit vague...feel free to correct my confusion if needed by explaining again..short..sweet and to the point....somewhere in all of this I feel like I've missed something and I'm not quite sure why so fill in the blanks please.
you ask us not to bring pricing or complaints, but you blame the nfl for for us not getting the nlf ch because they want it on basic . but you make us paid for chs that most of dont watch, how many shopping chs or religions are added, why dont you let your customer decided, i see where where others carry the nfl like dish , uverse, they have different tiers that u can subscribe to get this chs, . .i belive its more of greed and pride in your part with the nfl ,that this deal has not been done, i know you are just in employee of bhn , but if you want the truth, in you want us to be honest with you, well let it be known to we want the nlf channel nd the red zone, set the price let us say yes or no.

That's the whole purpose of the tier option Feb1003. If it were added as a tier you could buy it or not...the choice would be yours instead of imposing it on everyone. It's not greed on our part at all. Think about what you said there and where the hangup is. We're not the ones dictating the all or nothing terms if you remember correctly. :)
So if I understand you correctly you switched DVR's for whatever reason? If so then yes you would lose those recordings...forgive me if I've veered off in the wrong direction but to some degree your posts are a bit vague...feel free to correct my confusion if needed by explaining again..short..sweet and to the point....somewhere in all of this I feel like I've missed something and I'm not quite sure why so fill in the blanks please.

No, no, no. He switched the DVR to get one that WOULD WORK with the external storage. It was working fine. Then y'all downloaded an update that made it not work.

That is pretty clear in his sentence, "...don't remember which DVR I was originally given, but it didn't support the e-sata port. It turned out that another DVR did support it, and it was just a simple swap at my local BH office."
First i want to thank you for taking your time to reply, I know programers package chs that are force on bhn, that most of us dont care about. But maybe the time has come to have different packages one for those that like sports programing and one for those that dont, overall i belive BHN is still better than the other service, because you are local, i dont want to talk to someone overseas, Please try to get us the NFL CH, and thank you for your time.
1) NFL Network and NFL RedZone in SD/HD.

2) Other HD Channels: The Weather Channel, Sundance, NESN

3) More HD On Demand Options

4) SD Channels: Boomerang and Documentary Channel.

5) Keep adding HD.

6) Notices online too (Currently, they are only in the paper).
I'm thinking I should make jcarrera my designated agent. He knows what my problem is and gets here more often than me.

I've been looking for the help forum where I did my e-sata research with no luck. I don't think it was satellite guys. It was a VERY long thread with people giving input of which external drives worked or didn't work with which boxes.

I bought a 1T Western Digital "My DVR Expander" in March 2010. Thru my research, I learned that it would not work with the DVR I was using so I swapped it for the Scientific Atlanta 8300HD. They worked great together and I had hundreds of hours of programming on the duo.

About 2 months ago, I noticed I was unable to access any info on the e-sata drive. Western Digital says their DVR expanders cannot be used on a PC.
But - nothing has changed physically, in my setup between when it worked and when it didn't.

Maybe I was wrong in assuming the software update turned off e-sata support. The DVR and the external drive have each been turned off at various times since tho, and no reboot has brought the data back.

I would like better DVR service. Whole house, Better equipment. That way I can be done with Directv and all the BS plus my internet bill would drop. Until you get rid of the old system and set up, I may once again become a TV customer.
Anybody else having trouble with their dvr's not working properly lately?

Wrong thread--has nothing to do with "If you could add a product, feature or make a change..."

Nothing wrong with your question, but better to start another topic for it, so this one does not chase off into an unrelated direction.[h=1][/h]
I would like to see if you can find out, here in bakersfield we were suppose to have by the 1st of dec. the weather ch in hd, could you please try to find why we still dont have it , thanks in advance
I would like to see if you can find out, here in bakersfield we were suppose to have by the 1st of dec. the weather ch in hd, could you please try to find why we still dont have it , thanks in advance

I'll look into it on Monday for you :)

possible Retrans Dispute Cox in Fairfax, VA and WJLA

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