If Glentech remapped your 4DTV it may be Compromised !

Please reply by conversation.
Not that I don't believe you but what do you consider as criminal activity?

That part that makes it criminal is the fact he knew those files contain the keys for the other receivers bin he is throwing into the customers receiver.
It borders on cloning or trying to clone a receiver which is illegal.

Those keys then are carried into the unsuspecting persons receiver who thought they were getting custom maps for their receiver when in fact they were not but one he kept illegally to throw into other receivers since he was too lazy to create his own set of mappings.
Now if that person who had this done to them unknowingly tried to sub to programming and the bin he used was mine (which it was), and I have my receiver turned off then they get shut down also.

The one thing the programmer did at my request was to come up with a newer program which only the programmer and I have to clean that up and restore their receivers to an un-compromised state.
Does the RID cloning affect programming?. Sounds like the old VCII days when cloning of ID numbers was going on.
Does the RID cloning affect programming?. Sounds like the old VCII days when cloning of ID numbers was going on.
With the RID info is a set of keys.
There is also another set in another area of the receiver that is not affected by the map restoration program.
Now if you had my info in your receiver and I had my receiver turned off you could possibly lose the ability to sub to anything any longer. This is an area that common sense says not to tamper with. However, unscrupulous people, who are only looking to make a fast dollar have no conscious and once they have your money your sol.

So far there were 3 people that sent us their bins he had done and we found this to be the case.
Mr Musielak said in an email that he "is no longer putting my info into other peoples receivers", thus admitting he did so and may still be as his word is no longer worthy to be trusted.

Mr Musielak often spoke about trying to crack open the 4D receiver and personally I want nothing to do with criminal behavior.
I worked with several decent people at GI/Motorola back in the late 90's with the 4d receiver and know a bit more then I can say here but doing something that is illegal is not my cup of tea.
Now if that person who had this done to them unknowingly tried to sub to programming and the bin he used was mine (which it was), and I have my receiver turned off then they get shut down also.

Are you trying to say that he is actually able to clone unit ID's so that multiple IRD's can receive the same set of subscribed channels? Does the Unit ID on impacted units actually change from the original one to yours? I find that hard to believe as I thought the unit ID and receiver number were stored on a read only RAM chip that gets wiped out once it loses power.


Your reading Stylers post not mine.
Reread my post as that explains it all.
Do not try reading in-between the lines.
When you put another bin into someone else's receiver there are certain keys that go along with it.
If the original receiver's bin file that someone placed into another receiver was turned off then it is possible they (the receiver that bin file was put into) can no longer sub to programming as there are extra keys in there that are not supposed to be there.
nothing more.... nothing less.....
It compromises the users receiver that the unsuspecting person has when they had someone else's bin thrown into it.
Your reading Stylers post not mine.
Reread my post as that explains it all.
Do not try reading in-between the lines.
When you put another bin into someone else's receiver there are certain keys that go along with it.
If the original receiver's bin file that someone placed into another receiver was turned off then it is possible they (the receiver that bin file was put into) can no longer sub to programming as there are extra keys in there that are not supposed to be there.
nothing more.... nothing less.....
It compromises the users receiver that the unsuspecting person has when they had someone else's bin thrown into it.

stargaze : I was a victim . I sent him the 921 . The unit Id was wiped out ! I am curious if he took the information from the 921 and has used it in other 921 units ?
I am not sure just how to check / or what to do about this problem just yet . He certainly NEVER got my 920 or 922 as ATS took very good care for my best needs .
WOW! im glad i read this , been thinking about sending my 922 in. THANKS FOR THE POST.

If you can not do it yourself or need a new battery in the receiver I recommend ATS Electronics where they have worked on these receivers for many years. http://www.ats-electronics.com/

To be honest, a 921 receiver is well past it's battery life as is the 920 receivers.
A dead battery on it means you lose your unit id and it is basically a dish mover only afterwards.
That could have happened after you unplugged your receiver.
However, if it arrived ok but then sat around till he got around to it as some have reported their receivers have been there for months then it could have gone dead since it just sat around in the box too long.
There is no way to tell. It is unfortunate that that happened to you.

As to how many others he may be doing this same thing to all I can say is he has done it to me, from 3 different bins received here and there was yet another where he used someone else's receiver to do the same thing on another bin.

When people who used his service begin getting their own bdm board and taking out their nvram and send them to us we can check it out and tell them whether on not it was compromised.
If it was then we can help restore it back, something he is not able to do.

Before i sent the unit in i turned it on. The unit ID matched the Unit Id on the back of the receiver . So yes sometime during his possesion of my 921 it was compromised .
ON a side note , i had my brother send his 921 to ATS . It was the same age . They put a new battery and updated the maps / clock .No issues . Works great
I absolutley agree Stay away from Glen !
I only wonder if my 921 might have information inside that does not belong to me ? Did Glen use my receiver for parts ? Yes i am not pleased with him what so ever . He is a black eye for our hobby and C-Band !

I was really hoping that Glentech would have taken heed and changed as his emails he sent to me he said he is no longer putting other peoples info into the receivers he is getting in there where people are paying him to redo their maps properly.
Well sad to say Tvropro, Glentech has no morals and is still placing other people's bins into receivers he is redoing and compromising all those receivers!

One just came in this morning to me and they had not even connected it to their dish yet but pulled out the nvram as they were made aware of this even while they had their receiver sitting at glens home waiting to be remapped.
Their receiver was there for several months so and glen told them he just now got around to remapping it.
When this person sent me their nvram I checked it out and saw that the maps were compromised with the different RID information here:
RID: Tag 'Area 8c000005' @ offset = 4d28 size 12c data start @ 4d30
Keys **(deleted from here) 0000

RID 00-12f4-37d9 unk 0000 key (*keys deleted ) 00000000 00000041 10400000 00000200
RID 00-12f3-299c unk 0000 key (*keys deleted ) 00000000 00000040 10400000 00000200
RID 00-12f3-aaa2 unk 0000 key (*keys deleted ) 00000000 00000033 10000000 00000200

Now I know to many that have no idea what this is but if the maps are done properly it should only show ...
RID 00-REMOVED unk 0000 key (*keys deleted ) 00000000 0000003a 10400000 0000020

All the other RID info lines are from other receivers due to a lazy incompetent and morally corrupt individual.

Luckily the owner of this receiver sent the bin here before they took any trip counter updates and it was restored back to original using the new map restoration program.

Glen spouted on his forum he is now using a new program called 4plus which again from the data received here in his latest nvram he made for his customer shows me that it is still the same Map Master restoration program he had when he decided to go off on his own. So once again he has lied to everyone.

If anyone thinks any of this was made up you are deceiving yourselves.

The owner of this forum was kept aware of all the correspondence received from glentech and sent back to him in response where he (glen) emphatically stated he was no longer compromising people's receivers by putting other receivers info in them.
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How did a guy like TVROpro become such a self pro-claimed 4DTV technology master. From what i remember he was just a die hard Cband guy. Not a super electronics tech and programmer!!!
I want to add a somewhat strange part of this story. I decided to sell my 922 to a guy in Florida - it was working great when I sold it - and I even double boxed it - with packing peanuts.

Anyway the guy in Florida wanted me to ship it to Chicago because he had already sent his 922 to get remapped and it had been messed up. So I did as he asked - and shipped it to Chicago - I was told that one too got messed up ( I was told in shipping) - but like I said it was professionally wrapped and double boxed.

Anyway last I heard the guy in Florida was then looking for a THIRD 922 to ship to Chicago. I thought it very strange at the time but reading this really helps me understand what might have happened.

BTW, my Unit ID was - 00-12F3-12E0 last two digits not provided.

Very Strange indeed!
I had a really bad experience with glentech. Sent in a Dsr-920 for remapping and I changed the battery. The receiver took 3 months to receive back and cost over $200 including shipping. All the satellite # were the same so I had to set limits etc. In the process receiver went into factory default. Was told to return receiver to Chicago but decided shipping would be $60 round trip. Purchased a Jtag board and mapped receiver successfully plus my 920 spare. Fortunately my ID # is intact so payed for a sub and guide. BUYER BEWARE OF GLENTECH.
The URL doesn't work when removing the ****

Please post the specs and price.

From the description on the main page, it sounds to no different than any other DVBS2 receiver except for using the term MAPPING instead of channel list and using a secret internal decryption method. :eek:

Time and an actual product release will tell...
Here you go.

I see Glen loves us because he hides Satellite Guys in his code to try boosting up his search results.

Important Facts and Information about the Receiver.
  • It receives SD & HD subscription programming, with its built in decoder.
  • Channels that haven't been available for years will return.
  • SD and HD content will be in broadcast master quality.
  • It has HDMI, SPDIF, component, composite, and RCA audio outputs.
  • It can receive all DVB S, S2, 8PSK, SD and HD channels.
  • It receives FTA and conditional access (subscription) channels.
  • It is built to broadcast commercial quality.
  • It is a stand alone IRD that requires an external dish mover.
  • Future add on accessories will be available for it.
  • Testing of the receiver is happening right now.
  • It will be available for your c band dish system in the near future.
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]How will I move my dish?

If you own a 4DTV you can use that as a dish mover. C Band Forever will provide a special set of maps that will work in conjunction with the new receiver. If you need a mover and don't own a 4DTV, a mover is being specially designed to work with the new receiver, it will also have other special features. Our dish mover will be coming out at a later date.

Where can I get the Receiver?

It will be available after FreeDBS Signs on. (Note from Scott: Ok I changed this one) :)

Is this receiver made by Motorola or decode the Digicipher (DC-2) technology?

No, Motorola does not want to work with C band anymore. This is based on a different technology. Digicipher is a dying technology and going away.

What about Subscription Programming?

Agreements with programers are being worked on. Channel availability, lineup and how you will subscribe will be provided prior to public rollout of the receiver.

How much will the receiver and programming cost?

Receivers will cost less than $999.00, the final exact price is not available to the public yet. Early projection shows, cost will be below the maximum target price above. Programming cost will vary, depending if ala carte or package deal contracts are drawn up with programmers. As historically, C Band programming will cost less than small dish or cable companies.

Will my current dish work?

As long as you have a well tuned movable dish, 10 foot or larger, with a good high quality LNB (a PLL may be needed for some muxes) you should be fine. Since modulation is DVB S2 8PSK, smaller dishes or borderline systems may have issues receiving a 100% reliable signal.

Is this receiver like other FTA boxes with a CA slot ?

No, This unit has a fully integrated proprietary decoder built in. It also provides a cam slot to be upgradable if needed in the future. It is quality designed and built from the bottom up. It's not some cheap knockoff from the European market.

How is the picture quality?

The picture quality is breathtaking to say the least. It surpasses every FTA receiver out there we have seen, and we seen them all. The detail is sharp and clear, the colors are true and very accurate. It can only be compared to by professional headend gear used at TV stations, costing many thousand of dollars. This unit is broadcast quality nothing less.

Does it have any video stutter or lag?

No, Unlike all other FTA type boxes out there, this unit is rock solid when tested with known offenders that play havoc with FTA receivers.

Does it have any audio issues such as no sound or lipsync on AAC or other advanced audio streams?

No, Other FTA type boxes out there have audio issues, this unit does not exhibit those anomalies. AAC advanced audio plays fine and is in sync with the video.

Is this just another FTA box?

No, It's specifically designed with its built in decoder, and main intent is for subscription programming. Its meant as a replacement for the 4DTV and that old technology, which is going away relatively soon. It does receive FTA channels too, which allows one to view other free content in one receiver with the same high quality it provides for subscription channels.

Will this receiver receive KU band?

Yes, It will work with a DiSEqC switch.

If I use my 4DTV as a dish mover, will I benefit from the maps customized to work specifically with this receiver by C Band Forever?

Yes, because our exclusive maps will allow the 4DTV to work together, and interface with the data programmed into the new receiver. This will help guide you to the proper satellites and subscription services that will be provided by us.

How big is the receiver?

Its approximately 12" x 8" x 3".

How many pay channels will there be?

This is hard to say quite yet. Talks are going well with programmers. Programming will probably work on a buy a mux or package based system.
#1 I would love to know one programmer in talks with Glen. I doubt he has any. (My feelings of course)

And Under $999 for the receiver? Hell I have seen in this very forum people bitching about paying $99 for a receiver. Free to air folks for the most part want things for FREE.

With that price hes making the pizza companies look like a bargain. :)

As they always say Buyer Beware!
What! No DVR? :D

That's the $1499 version. :D

Another thing that seems odd to me...

"This unit has a fully integrated proprietary decoder built in."

Ok now if you take a look at whats uplinked on C Band, you will see a wide variety of encoding technologies being used... And now they are going to use a special proprietary encryption that is going to work with these boxes? Man who is going to go to all the cable companies and replace all those receivers to support this new proprietary encryption?

Then he also mentions that the feeds are S2... take a look at the satellite lists and see what cable type channels use that are in S2 format. Most are Powervu, Powervu +, or as most are in Digicypher II. (Yet Glen says DC II is dead...) none of these are customer friendly formats.

On PowerVu check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PowerVu

I am just not buying it yet... plus I think if hes making a new receiver why do you need your 4DTV to move your dish?

Some things are not adding up for me.
Please reply by conversation.

BUD Hunting techniques

H2H Post 6/30/13

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