I need info on new hopper plus

I know the joey 4 requires hopper plus to work, so that mean 2 box are need to just get joey 4 to work. I know I was "told" there is no extra fees associated with hopper plus being added to account. this was months ago though dont know if hold true. was also told there was no "restrictions" on how many you can have so if you have 2 h3 and need 2 hopper plus should have no issue, again was told this few months ago.

I been holding out on have my 4k joeys replaced, till joey 4 is out which would require hopper plus. im my case for my setup i would require 2 hopper plus and 2 joey 4.

think big selling point of hopper plus is the andriod "os" ? that always stream of anything on platform? it still only select test "regions" I heard it to be released in September some time for every one?
was also told there was no "restrictions" on how many you can have so if you have 2 h3 and need 2 hopper plus should have no issue, again was told this few months ago.

im my case for my setup i would require 2 hopper plus and 2 joey 4.
That appears to not be possible, according to brittanygarden from Dish Technical Operations:
Dual Hopper setups are not compatible with the Hopper Plus and would need to be modified to a 1 Hopper installation. Whether that is using only 1 existing Hopper or upgrading to a Hopper 3.

More details on the latest restrictions and requirements here:

I know the joey 4 requires hopper plus to work, so that mean 2 box are need to just get joey 4 to work.

I been holding out on have my 4k joeys replaced, till joey 4 is out which would require hopper plus.
The good news is that according to Scott, the Joey 4 does not require Hopper Plus. The bad news is that if you want Hopper Plus, you would need to remove one Hopper 3 and replace it with a Joey 4.

it still only select test "regions" I heard it to be released in September some time for every one?
New customers can get it now. (That started on August 25.) They are either being selected at "random" to receive the new equipment automatically, or they can select it as an upgrade when they place their order on the Dish website.

Existing customers also appear to be getting picked randomly to qualify for the new equipment now, with September 15 being the full rollout date when most existing customers should qualify.
will see what happens, when it out i try, I Will not drop my 2nd h3 just to get hopper plus, it more likely dish will be dropped, seeing as i done argue with them just to keep my bill under 150 month like i have been doing for past 5 years.

They also claim 2 h3 system was not possible too, it wasnt that wasnt possible it was they didnt want let people do it, but obviously made setup to make work, you just need to go threw hoops to get it

I will find just when it all released and i tell them i have 2 h3 system with 2 4k joeys, and i want 2 hopper pluses for both h3 and 2 joey 4, as wont drop 2nd h3, if that 1 hopper plus will serve both h3 i have and i can still get steaming platform on both joey 4 that another story.
I just gave up on trying to sign up for dish i wanted a hopper 3 a hopper plus and a joey (i have 2 4k tvs) they said price would be $109.00 a month. But then he told me i couldnt have a hopper 3 even though my credit rating is good and then on top of that he said there would be an$80.00 service fee, after telling installation was free, He confused me so much i told him to cancel everything! BTW would it be easier to jus order onilne?
I just gave up on trying to sign up for dish i wanted a hopper 3 a hopper plus and a joey (i have 2 4k tvs) they said price would be $109.00 a month. But then he told me i couldnt have a hopper 3 even though my credit rating is good and then on top of that he said there would be an$80.00 service fee, after telling installation was free, He confused me so much i told him to cancel everything! BTW would it be easier to jus order onilne?
It probably would be easier to order online. One trick to make sure that you get a Hopper 3 is to increase the number of Joeys in your order. A Hopper 3 will support more Joeys than other Hopper models, so that would automatically trigger a Hopper 3. You can always refuse the unneeded extra Joeys at the time of the installation. You shouldn't have to do that to get the Hopper model you want, but that is one trick that actually works.

The $80.00 service fee is another matter entirely, and is complete BS. I would definitely refuse that!
,... I Will not drop my 2nd h3 just to get hopper plus,

I want 2 hopper pluses for both h3 and 2 joey 4, as wont drop 2nd h3, if that 1 hopper plus will serve both h3 i have and i can still get steaming platform on both joey 4 that another story.
I am like you. I will not give up my 2nd H3. I got it to get 4K on my 2nd LG OLED. I also got it to get PIP and Multiview that the 4k Joey I replaced did not do. From what I read above the Plus will not do Multiview at the current time. It seems the Joey4 will not do PIP or Multiview , either. I already have Roku 4K devices on both LGs. This new Dish product has too many drawbacks at the moment. I will lose too many features I desire to get the advantage of one remote.
HipKat do you know what is the reason for not having a 2nd H3? Will it screw up everything or does DISH not want it for some reason? I can live with a H+ on one H3 only and four new Joeys linked to it. My 2nd H3 with no H+ can just be attached to one TV. Will that work?
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I found this from June 24 in another thread:

So, that is a definite maybe?
Crap, I'm gonna cancel the installation for tomorrow. I was told Multi-View for Joey4 then informed in this thread, NOPE. Now My H3 will lose Multi-View when they add the "+" module or whatever it is!!!

I'm starting to H8 Dish TV and all the misinformation they put out.
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100% sure. And there are no plans to add it.

Wait. No plans to add multiview to the plus? I figured as much for the Joeys, but not the plus. Between that and them trying to charge me $100 for each device ($400) I think I'm going to just cancel my service and go to YouTube TV.
