I need info on new hopper plus

Dish CSRS do not really want me to upgrade my equipment to the Hopper +. Last night, one told me the advantages of having equipment that I already have, and the one just a few minutes echoed the same thing, saying the Hopper 3 is the best option. I might as well forget it, and be happy with what I have
I do agree the Hopper 3 is amazing! I also agree the Hopper Plus is not perfect. I have been with Dish sense its creation. I trust they will improve the Plus to where it will meet your expectations. By you using it and reporting problems will make that happen much faster. It really comes down to the way you are or in the near future see watching TV. A retired friend of mine worked on Hollywood sets said BIG movies for theaters are dead and so is broadcast TV they see the money returns in streaming and this hybrid is the best of both worlds!
We have thumb drives with the latest software and the Plus downloads it's package using the customer's internet
I was finally able to get the Hopper + to load but it's stuck on the start up with they google theme. Not sure how long it will keep doing that. 03BA7403-22EE-4AAF-A9EB-19FE22883CC6.jpeg
I was finally able to get the Hopper + to load but it's stuck on the start up with they google theme. Not sure how long it will keep doing that.
i'm pretty well convinced that you just have a bad unit. I just installed one that was working great for a few minutes and then it froze. I could get to the android TV screen and the apps worked perfectly but I could not get into the dish settings or to live TV until I get a reboot on the hopper. Then it came back up and seemed to be OK. I know I'm shooting myself in the foot and I love the concept here but I do not think these were ready to be released to the public because there are way too many glitches
Is anyone else having remote control slow response time with the H+? All remote actions are slow. Sometimes a second or two before the H3 reacts. Skip forward and back are slow, picture freezes for about a second before it gets going, channel changing is slow, etc. etc. The Joey 4s are just a little better. We just watched a program on our 2nd H3 and remote response was awesome. Actions happen almost instant when you press the remote buttons. Wife really likes the better H+ PQ but she would rather have better remote control response. She is already thinking of having me remove the H+ and go back to pure Hopper 3. Will remote functions get better with time?
With my 25 years of history with DISH I can tell you that most of the newer equipment comes out and has problems ,glitches, bugs. The Dish player was the worst when the war broke out with Micro Soft and DISH. It takes a while to clear them all out, because the software updates come in and fix one thing and break two other things. If you are going to be an early adopter of these receivers and add on equipment , you have to be the beta tester and stay with it till it improves or not use it till it is fixed and working well. That is the only two options I see unless they have a "miracle" software update that fixes everything. ;)
With my 25 years of history with DISH I can tell you that most of the newer equipment comes out and has problems ,glitches, bugs. The Dish player was the worst when the war broke out with Micro Soft and DISH.
One important thing to remember here is like the DishPlayer the Android line is a partnership between DISH and Google. And sometimes each company has their vision a litter different than what their partner wants. I will just leave that there for now. :D
i'm pretty well convinced that you just have a bad unit. I just installed one that was working great for a few minutes and then it froze. I could get to the android TV screen and the apps worked perfectly but I could not get into the dish settings or to live TV until I get a reboot on the hopper. Then it came back up and seemed to be OK. I know I'm shooting myself in the foot and I love the concept here but I do not think these were ready to be released to the public because there are way too many glitches
My in house tech is waiting for the firmware update on mine. He read through the posts and thinks the same it is a dead unit. He also said all hardware issues requires a tech visit at this point and equipment cannot be shipped.
Darn! That is one of the apps I was counting on being able to use on the Hopper+, so I could have all of my subscription channels together on the same device. I guess I'll stick with my Roku. No Dish Anywhere on Roku, though. If there is a device that has both the Spectrum app and Dish Anywhere, then that would be a real winner.
I am unaware of one. I was hopping for Dish Anywhere on Apple TV since that is my favorite streaming device now. I will add that I was just reading some articles about the state of Bally Sports and it sounds like they are probably going to be sold. Some very interesting speculation out there that they may be sold to an alliance of the MLB, NBA, and NHL. The whole RSN world seems to be a mess right now.
I am unaware of one. I was hopping for Dish Anywhere on Apple TV since that is my favorite streaming device now. I will add that I was just reading some articles about the state of Bally Sports and it sounds like they are probably going to be sold. Some very interesting speculation out there that they may be sold to an alliance of the MLB, NBA, and NHL. The whole RSN world seems to be a mess right now.
I think Nvidia Shield Pro, Ipad and Iphones have Dish Anywhere. I wish Apple TV had it as well.
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From the Home screen, have you tried including "on YouTube" in the voice command? "Find [fill-in-the-blank] on YouTube." That is not as convenient as being able to do it from within the app, but it may limit the results found to only showing YouTube results.
No I have not done that, but what I find missing is the ability to use the mic to do a YouTube app search from the YouTube app search option like I have on my Apple TV and my LG television's YouTube app. I believe Roku also does that, but it has been awhile since I have used a Roku. That is the glaring miss on the Hopper + IMO. Especially since this thing uses Google Assistant and the last time I checked Google owned YouTube.
Darn! That is one of the apps I was counting on being able to use on the Hopper+, so I could have all of my subscription channels together on the same device. I guess I'll stick with my Roku. No Dish Anywhere on Roku, though. If there is a device that has both the Spectrum app and Dish Anywhere, then that would be a real winner.

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i'm pretty well convinced that you just have a bad unit. I just installed one that was working great for a few minutes and then it froze. I could get to the android TV screen and the apps worked perfectly but I could not get into the dish settings or to live TV until I get a reboot on the hopper. Then it came back up and seemed to be OK. I know I'm shooting myself in the foot and I love the concept here but I do not think these were ready to be released to the public because there are way too many glitches
Amen HipKat. Could not agree with you more that these were not ready for prime time. I really feel like I am a beta tester and sometimes an alpha tester. I have installed many commercial building technology systems that were early release (beta) and I know how painful that can be for a technician so I feel for the Dish techs having to deal with the issues and keep customers happy.
One important thing to remember here is like the DishPlayer the Android line is a partnership between DISH and Google. And sometimes each company has their vision a litter different than what their partner wants. I will just leave that there for now. :D
I still remember the Charlie Chat after that whole Microsoft debacle where he vowed "never again" and that Dish would keep their software development in-house, rather than ever do another partnership like that. I wonder how much money Google had to pay Charlie to get him to change his mind. Remember, Dish had just recently implemented Alexa integration at the time that Dish suddenly switched over to Google Assistant for the voice remotes. At that point, fixing glitches with Alexa commands seemed to fall by the wayside. Now, with Android integration, the Alexa functionality is one of the things that the Hopper+ completely breaks. Conspiracy? Nah! :biggrin
I think Nvidia Shield Pro, Ipad and Iphones have Dish Anywhere. I wish Apple TV had it as well.
You can find some nice ones on eBay, 4K versions, for less about 70 bucks now that the new models have come out. You just have to make sure that they sign out of their Apple ID on the unit or else it will be a brick as Apple will not unlock it.

If you want a new 4K unit, Amazon has them for $140 bucks. Brand new, latest gen.

View: https://www.amazon.com/2021-Apple-TV-4K-64GB/dp/B0933D8TNB