I need info on new hopper plus

Yes you don't need a Hopper + for Joey 4's to work.

However for new customers they may be requiring Hopper + units for all NEW installs this way all receivers in the house have the same features.
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The HDMI from the Hopper 3 goes into the Hopper Plus. The HDMI from the Hopper plus goes into the TV where the Hopper 3 was plugged in.

Everything goes through one HDMI input. No more needed to change between inputs. :)
Wait, the Hopper+ has both an HDMI input and an HDMI output?

The Alexa controlled my Hopper 3 fine, however it does not seem to work with the Hopper Plus hooked up.
I wonder if this is because of the same reason why the older remotes don't work properly with Hopper+. I remember you saying that one of the newer voice remotes is required in order to have access to all Hopper+ functionality. (Did you ever get a chance to test it with the older 50.0 remote, to see if that model works as well as the 54's?) Alexa commands are basically just another form of remote control: more importantly, a form that is not integrated into the Google Assistant environment.

However for new customers they may be requiring Hopper + units for all NEW installs this way all receivers in the house have the same features.
Ha! Too bad that means taking features away from the Hopper 3, so it will have the same features as the Joeys.
The Hopper+ has one HDMI output. Let's put it in this context. You have an HDMI cable plugged into a TV input. In the standard Hopper configuration the other end of that cable plugs into the H3 HDMI output. In the Hopper+ that same cable plugs into the + HDMI output. The connection between the H3 and the + is entirely over the USB.
Yes you don't need a Hopper + for Joey 4's to work.

However for new customers they may be requiring Hopper + units for all NEW installs this way all receivers in the house have the same features.
for 1 h3 system yes but for 2 H3 it will not sadly as i just tried have that done I will revisit the "H+ and joey 4" in like 6 months to year maybe something will change so i can actual have h+ with my 2 h3

The amount mis information be passed along from dish own reps is unbelievable.
The Hopper+ has one HDMI output. Let's put it in this context. You have an HDMI cable plugged into a TV input. In the standard Hopper configuration the other end of that cable plugs into the H3 HDMI output. In the Hopper+ that same cable plugs into the + HDMI output. The connection between the H3 and the + is entirely over the USB.
Yes, that was my understanding. The way Scott phrased it earlier today was weird, though. Scott didn't even mention USB:
The HDMI from the Hopper 3 goes into the Hopper Plus. The HDMI from the Hopper plus goes into the TV where the Hopper 3 was plugged in.

Everything goes through one HDMI input. No more needed to change between inputs. :)

There had also been a mysterious hint from another early tester that there may be an easier way to hook this up (so you can switch back-and-forth between Hopper+ and Hopper 3 mode) but not exactly the way I had suggested:
I wonder if this would work, for quickly switching from Hopper+ to regular Hopper viewing, without needing to disconnect any cables:
  • Connect the Hopper+ USB cable to a USB hub with a switched port that you can turn on and off. Connect that USB hub to the Hopper's USB port.
  • Connect the HDMI cables from both the Hopper and the Hopper+ to an HDMI switch. Connect that HDMI switch to the input on the TV.
Then, when you want to switch from Hopper+ viewing to Multiview, simply flip both switches, and let the Hopper reboot.

Now your thinking in the right direction.
So, now that we are closer to the official date, I was thinking that maybe Dish was ready to announce a different way of connecting these, that would simplify this situation. (Allowing for easier access to Multi-View without needing to constantly unhook and re-hook the cables.) I guess we'll just have to wait until the 15th to find out.

Dish's webpage about these still says "Multi-View Coming Soon."
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Several people have mentioned that it takes 20 minutes to change from the Hopper+ to back to the Hopper3. So switching back and forth is not something that can be done quickly. Change the cabling by unplugging the USB cable from the Hopper3 to the Hopper+, switch the HDMI cable from the Hopper+ back to the Hopper3, reboot the Hopper3 and wait, wait, and wait while it reboots multiple times. How many will want to wait for 20 minutes for the Hopper3 to return to its normal interface.
Several people have mentioned that it takes 20 minutes to change from the Hopper+ to back to the Hopper3. So switching back and forth is not something that can be done quickly. Change the cabling by unplugging the USB cable from the Hopper3 to the Hopper+, switch the HDMI cable from the Hopper+ back to the Hopper3...
That's right. I meant "quickly" compared to the time it takes to swap out the cables. Depending on where the receiver is installed, it may not be convenient to get to the back of the Hopper 3 to swap out those cables every single time you want to do this. Perhaps I misspoke. I should have said "easier" as I did in my last post above.

...reboot the Hopper3 and wait, wait, and wait while it reboots multiple times. How many will want to wait for 20 minutes for the Hopper3 to return to its normal interface.
I would, if I wanted to use Multi-View badly enough, and if this was the only way available to accomplish that. I would plan out my viewing accordingly, and do the swap at a time when nothing was being recorded. I still remember needing to wait almost 20 minutes for my original-model ViP211 to complete a guide download after a reboot, which I had to wait through more times than I could ever count. (Not to mention that it takes at least that long for any Dish receiver to complete a software download every time the software gets updated.) I can be patient, if that's what it takes. I am simply asking for the process to be simplified.
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So what I'm understanding is if I'm watching Amazon prime on the + and I want to switch back to regular Dish tv it will take 20 minutes to do that? And cause a restart on the + so any recording shows might be messed up?

Why would anyone find this an easier solution than just switching the input on their tv from their Roku?
So what I'm understanding is if I'm watching Amazon prime on the + and I want to switch back to regular Dish tv it will take 20 minutes to do that? And cause a restart on the + so any recording shows might be messed up?

Why would anyone find this an easier solution than just switching the input on their tv from their Roku?
No, that's not correct. The 20 minutes is if you unplug the Hopper plus to remove it from being operational, it takes 20 minutes to go back. The Hopper+ does not inhibit the ability to watch live TV. BUT, everything happens through the Plus. There is no need to remove it for any reason (Unless it's not working). The whole idea here is to add Streaming to the Live TV/Recording options, seamslessly.
So what I'm understanding is if I'm watching Amazon prime on the + and I want to switch back to regular Dish tv it will take 20 minutes to do that? And cause a restart on the + so any recording shows might be messed up?

Why would anyone find this an easier solution than just switching the input on their tv from their Roku?

No no no.

You press exit from your app and are back to watching live DiSH TV.

If you unhook your Hopper Plus as you want to use MultiView then it will take 20 minutes. to reset itself back to Hopper 3 mode. Most people will never have to unhook their Hopper Plus.
Most people will never have to unhook their Hopper Plus.
I think Dish is going to find many people will be unhooking their Hopper Plus in the beginning due to the HDR fiasco. Their may be a few that don't care how their pictures look but I have a feeling Dish is going to inundated with calls once these hit en masse.
I think Dish is going to find many people will be unhooking their Hopper Plus in the beginning due to the HDR fiasco. Their may be a few that don't care how their pictures look but I have a feeling Dish is going to inundated with calls once these hit en masse.
I would agree
People that have 4K tv's for the most part have purchased them for a better picture
Even though there isn't much 4K programming available on Dish, those people will still want a pristine picture
not something that is all garbled up and out of color
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I would agree
People that have 4K tv's for the most part have purchased them for a better picture
Even though there isn't much 4K programming available on Dish, those people will still want a pristine picture
not something that is all garbled up and out of color
Correct, there is absolutely no reason to upscale to HDR format. The only thing that looks good in HDR10 is something that's meant to be played in HDR10. Their bigger concern should have been the ability to show both HDR10 and Dolby Vision when it's receiving those signals and leaving everything else alone. They've basically excluded any HDR content from the Netflix app with these new units as most of their HDR content is Dolby Vision, so people are still needing to go through a different source of streaming for that, not to mention the inability to enjoy anything that is encoded with Dolby Atmos for sound. Right now these units are half baked at best.
So what I'm understanding is if I'm watching Amazon prime on the + and I want to switch back to regular Dish tv...
Amazon Prime is already built into the Hopper 3, so there is no need to use the Plus for that one.

...and I want to switch back to regular Dish tv it will take 20 minutes to do that? ...
...everything happens through the Plus. There is no need to remove it for any reason...
Only if you want to use Multi-View while watching regular Dish TV, or use any other feature that the Plus does not support, such as PIP, or Alexa commands.

...And cause a restart on the + so any recording shows might be messed up? ...
No "might be" to it. A restart will definitely mess up any recordings happening at the time.
BTW HDR is not an option DISH turned on or is forcing. Its an issue with the Chipset and they are awaiting a fix. :)
It seems to be an issue that they introduced before these units were released. This started when they did away with 4K channels 540-3 and 540-4 which were their HDR channels. Then they made 540-1 and 540-2 HDR only instead of standard 4K like they used to be. This is the only reason I started down this rabbit hole because the minute they did this it made every one of their 4K Joeys obsolete and useless in receiving their 4K channel content. What I am even more disappointed with Dish about is the fact that we the consumers were never made aware of this change. Heck most of the techs on the phone and the ones that have been to my home don't even know this is the issue. I literally started this journey last week when I noticed that I could no longer see the 4K channels on either one of my 4K Joeys. After spending an hour on the phone with tech support and giving them access to my system and countless restarts and guide updates etc they created a Work Order. The tech that came to my house started swapping out the Hopper 3 and the 4K Joeys trying to get the guide to update and show the 4K channels. While he was doing this I literally was online searching and found out what this issue was here in your forums. To say I am salty at this point is an understatement. With all due respect Scott for Dish to be blaming this on a chipset is crazy at this point, this was a rush to market incident. They are trying to stop the hemorrhaging of customers jumping ship and going the route of streaming devices for their TV viewing. They have been working on this since the middle of last year (probably much longer)and should have never released these units with this kind of flaw. Sorry for the rant but I have been with Dish since 2007 and I am about done. Hopefully the powers that be will read this and glean some useful feedback. Here is the FCC timeline in case anyone is interested.
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It seems to be an issue that they introduced before these units were released.
I have had the issue for almost 2 years now. The HDR issue was one of the first bugs (if not the first) that I reported. Again its know and I am told a fix is coming.

PS honestly it is an issue with the Chipset. Remember DISH does not write the drivers for the chipsets.
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