I DID IT! YAY!! (G10 Elation Follows)

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Interesting. I only mentioned 119/121 because when I USALS to 119 I still pick up the 'Congrats on your 121 superdish' channel. It's probably a side effect of the eliptical dish :).

I'll have to 'just do it' and then see where it's happy. Worst case I could make up my own sat name for it and have it USALS to 112 or where ever it ends up finding it's happy place.

I was re-reading your review and it looks like I can put the DiSEqC switch after the motor, and then go in and re-setup each sat in the 'fixed dish' setup for the diSEqC switch. Sound correct?
I haven't been able to get my switch working yet, but I'm sure it's due to ignorance. No biggy (yet) anyhow, though eventually I plan on using the DPC dish with the original lnb and FrankenLNB in a fixed position somewhere.

I just had a scary thought. Both the Universal LNB and switch use a 22kHz tone, and neither work... do I simply have a defective Twinhan 102G? :( I wonder if there's any way to test for the 22kHz tone being present or not...
make sure if you hook the switch up to turn off the receiver/pc card to refresh it

When I add/delete stuff, I always master switch off the receiver

I found a big 'ol hose clamp and proceeded to clamp the D* LNB directly to the left (facing the dish) of the Ku LNB. I got it mounted up and ran the coax down the feed arm. Just to be sure I didn't mess anything up I ran inside to make sure the system was happy.

It was not. I had SEVERE breakup on all channels. I tried a G10, T6, T5 - all the same deal. I simply released the hose clamp and dropped the D* LNB off and everything is happy again.

What's wierd... the quality numbers did not change AT ALL with and without the D* LNB hanging on the feed.


When I've got more time I'll try again.
I was thinking about this last night and I think what happened is that with the two LNBs side by side the D* LNB was limiting the 'illumination' of the dish by the Ku LNB since it is bigger / sat closer to the Dish.

I'm going to buy a fabricate a mount that will let me get a little separation and see how it goes like that.

here is a picture of how I have mine setup and I don't have that issue with signal loss.
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I think I hd my D* LNB too far forward. It's cone actually sat a solid 3/8" if not 1/2" forward of the Ku LNB. That was probably the issue.

Thanks fo rthe pic - I'll try again tonight. If it doesn't work I might just order up one of these:


It'd cost a little over $20 when it's all said and done but I really like the design.
I'll take a picture tonight of my 123/119 setup. That one is a little different :)
(pending rain delay...)
I re-did the hose clamp method and this time I slid the D* LNB back so that it didn't block the Ku LNB at all. This works great. Now I see NASA etc :).

Now for the bad news. The POS CoolSat branded 4x1 DiSEqC switch I got with my reciever was built so poorly that I can't even screw the f terminals onto it. It's almost like it's a different thread pitch.

Grrr - I wonder if I can find one locally.
"Interesting. I only mentioned 119/121 because when I USALS to 119 I still pick up the 'Congrats on your 121 superdish' channel. It's probably a side effect of the eliptical dish ."

Your dish is the 74E right? If you look at the datdsheet I've attached you'll see why this can happen on your dish. It's because the beamwidth on the 75e is 2 degrees and since these 2 sats are only 2 degrees apart you can pickup a little bit of both when your pointed directly at one of them. A slightly larger dish might help prevent this. One of the advantages of a larger dish is a narower beamwidth which results in less interference from adjacent sats. Anyway, it's not because the dish is elliptical, it's just the beamwidth of the dish which is a function of dish size in relation to wavelength. It is however true that an elliptecial dish lends itself better to mounting multiple feeds to recieve different sats but in that situation the feeds are positioned at different focal points and the shape of an elliptical dish simply makes it easier to mount multiple feeds. In fact, an oval dish that is wider than it is tall should have a narrower beamwidth in the horizontal plane than one with the same surface area that's perfectly round because of the fact that it will be wider in the horizontal plane than the round dish.


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Interesting. With the DSS LNB immediately to the left of the Ku LNB I've easily nabbed all the Echostar sats but 121 (E*9). I can nail 121 with my Ku LNB without issue so I think I'm just going to ignore 121 with the DSS LNB.

Once I finish attacking the E* birds I'm going to have to go home in on Bev's FTA goodies.

Thanks for the datasheet. I think I'm going to go ahead and pick up a 1M dish when I can.
I decided I was going to get 121... I DiSEqC'd West from the 121 USALS position and peaked the dish. Having done this 3-4 times already tonight I knew this was 119.

I then taped it 4 times to the West and the signal dropped to 75. I'm running a Blindscan now and it has picked up 368 TV and 281 radio so far... yeah I'm seeing them both again - lol. i'll just delete the dupes and be happy with my Jiangsu TV / SuperDish 121 Screen.
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nope - 119 x2 in one shot... niiice. One more try tonight. The current scan seems to be hitting transponders for E*9....

This time I went West till the quality went red...

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Shawn95GT said:
Now for the bad news. The POS CoolSat branded 4x1 DiSEqC switch I got with my reciever was built so poorly that I can't even screw the f terminals onto it. It's almost like it's a different thread pitch.

Grrr - I wonder if I can find one locally.

bummer.....I never used that switch (I had a DMSI one laying around). I'll have to look at mine tongiht
Shawn95GT said:
Interesting. With the DSS LNB immediately to the left of the Ku LNB I've easily nabbed all the Echostar sats but 121 (E*9). I can nail 121 with my Ku LNB without issue so I think I'm just going to ignore 121 with the DSS LNB.

You wont be able to get 121 with the DBS LNB because DBS frequencies are higher than KU band :)
Iceberg said:
bummer.....I never used that switch (I had a DMSI one laying around). I'll have to look at mine tongiht
I think the DMSI and the CoolSat one are one in the same. They look to be identical save for the sticker on the front.

I can't really tell what's wrong. It's almost like the nickle or whatever coating messed up the threads. It 'looks' fine, it just doesn't work.

For now... it's the SGOaCI switch (Shawn Goes Out and Changes It)

And yes - it is MOST DEFINATELY worth doing. Angel One and NASA TV in the clear along with 145 or so music channels between the E* / BEV sats.
Shawn95GT said:
I think the DMSI and the CoolSat one are one in the same. They look to be identical save for the sticker on the front.

I can tell you they're not the same. The Coolsat one I have is much smaller than the DMSI ones
Shawn, if you have a tap and die set laying around try using a die on on the switch to "clean" up the threads. Alternatively use a wire brush on the threads to clean them up. Hope this helps.
Shawn95GT said:
And yes - it is MOST DEFINATELY worth doing. Angel One and NASA TV in the clear along with 145 or so music channels between the E* / BEV sats.

Amen on that one!

Love the radio stations on ExpressVu :)
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Looking 4 dish base size and mast size

Coupling two 1.80m dishes as one 3.60m dish

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