No that is not what I am saying. Im saying you cant move files around from drive tto drive to get them organized. I currently have 2 servers I can put extracted HDTivo files on via ethernet and keep things like 3 seasons of BSG together in one place instead of spread out over say 3 esata drives that you would have hooked up over the time period of the 3 seasons. Its all a bit of a mess if you ask me. D* is allowing external storage so I do not see the point at limiting it. Why not enable it over ethernet to file servers where we can organize our programs. Otherwise at 8pm on saturday you are going to have remember to "grab the BSG" disk and plug it in and reboot. And if you are recording something on the other tuner at the same time BSG is on that is going to end up on that disk too. But hope springs eternal, the nice people over at dealdatabase have already started a thread on the HR20.So your saying that if you go with the 2 drives (2 750's for example) you cannot put them together so they read as one, making it a 1.5 TB ?
As you can tell I don't know very much about this perticular area.
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