How things have changed

Flex Pack is 67.99 and if I recall he has the Wally receiver that you can add a hard drive for free (after the one time $40 fee)
If so, definitely not a fair comparison, he is paying more for a lot less, considering the channels with YTTV is comparable to Dish America 120+, then you get the unlimited DVR, 3 streams ( like 3 boxes) and the better picture/sound quality and $3 less then what he pays.
If so, definitely not a fair comparison, he is paying more for a lot less, considering the channels with YTTV is comparable to Dish America 120+, then you get the unlimited DVR, 3 streams ( like 3 boxes) and the better picture/sound quality and $3 less then what he pays.
Just because you don't find it a fair competition, who cares???? Flex Pack is cheaper and allows you add what you want for some people. So if it works for someone, who cares?
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Just because you don't find it a fair competition, who cares???? Flex Pack is cheaper and allows you add what you want for some people. So if it works for someone, who cares?
a fair comparison/competition matters because you can't be like "I paid $1 for a fun sized snickers and you paid $.75 for a king size bar, but my fun-sized came in a holiday packaging so I'm happy with paying a little more."
Just because you don't find it a fair competition, who cares???? Flex Pack is cheaper and allows you add what you want for some people. So if it works for someone, who cares?
How is it cheaper, at $67.99 plus a Hopper 3, same price.

With YTTV, you would receive more channels, 3 boxes/DVR, better video/sound.

Definitely not a apples to apples comparison.

But still does not change my opinion that Paid Live TV sucks now, considering that the majority of new scripted shows are largely confined to the Networks, which has been cut back as well, or FX and AMC, all can be watched via streaming for a extremely less expensive price.
So if you had a product that you were paying $73 per month for and another product that you were paying $150 per month for you would be more upset if the $73 per month product went up 13.7% than if the $150 product went up 10% because the percentage of the price hike was smaller on the $150 product? Even though the $73 per month went up $10 and the $150 per month product went up $15? In this scenario the price difference between the two products actually increased instead of your claim that the price difference between the two is actually shrinking.
I'm saying, if I had a product that went up 13.7% in price, I'm likely to be at least as mad as if I had a product that went up 10%. I cancelled my Ring subscription this year over similar circumstances, even though it is still one of the most affordable options. I did a more DIY solution that doesn't come with an additional subscription instead. Many of the same problems that have plagued linear TV prices for years still exist. The ridiculous price increases are a major one, and they have spread to vMVPDs. They were a stop-gap at best.