How Long After a Storm Should I Expect a Signal?

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I would just call back and speak to someone else. ALSO, I would consider(if possible) to have the dish mounted on a pole at ground level where you can reach it if needed.

Again, i would call back and tell them no storm is in the area now and you have no signal and you want a tech to be sent out or scheduled.

Do you have the monthly maint plan?
One other thing, I did read here that if a receiver goes X amount of time without a signal it needs to be unplugged for a few minutes (cables from the back of the receiver too) before connecting everything back up & letting it reboot. You have nothing to lose trying this also.

Good point, I have had to do that to a receiver or two after power outages.
my scheduled service call. FRIDAY !!!!! This is just been a disappointment after disappointment from DTV
I'm going to ask the obvious here,

Have you pulled the power cord, let it sit a couple minutes and plugged it back in and restarted the box?

It really may be that simple!
As for the original question.....

If there is a REAL bad storm going thru the area, I normally lose signal BEFORE it gets here (If I lose signal at all) and by the time the storm is here, I'm back in service.
It all depends on the storm, the blockage of signal is from the storm clouds, nothing you can do about that, if your dish is peaked to the best it can be, there nothing else you can do.

If you don't have your dish peaked then you will have a tenancy to lose signal more often.
Hmmm, do you know if DISH would give you a better answer at this point in time ?
Not if they have a ton of service calls, like D* I'm sure has from this weekends storms.

But I've never waited more then 2 days for a service call from either E* or D*.
If fact I've gotten Next day when E* installed my 1000.4 and didn't peak it right. I bitched up a storm though.:)
my scheduled service call. FRIDAY !!!!! This is just been a disappointment after disappointment from DTV


Sounds like a possible "bad" install in the first place, IF you have an SL3/SL5 slimline dish, does the dish mount have the two little support arms?

Here in good ole windy South Texas I've seen more than a few of newer HD dish installs with no support arms easily get out of alignment.

My SL5 is on a schedule 80 steel pipe in concrete in my yard. It has never gotten out of alignment, of course I went behind the installer and made sure everything was tightened up.

As to rainouts, the SL3/SL5 series dish tends to not rain fade as easily as the old 18" single LNB dish did.
The OP still hasn't let us know if they tried unplugging the AC power, wait 30 seconds, plug in the AC power and see if that fixes it.
So have you called D* back yet and tell them that a WEEK out is NOT ACCEPTABLE ?

Good luck with all that....

A WEEK is 7 days last I knew.
From Sunday till Friday is only 5 days.

You can call every local DIRECTV service/installation company and see if you can schedule a service call sooner than Friday.
Good luck with all that....

A WEEK is 7 days last I knew.
From Sunday till Friday is only 5 days.

You can call every local DIRECTV service/installation company and see if you can schedule a service call sooner than Friday.

I guess it all depends on how busy the local guys are, I have always been able to call the installation company directly and get put on a Cancallation list when I have a need for a install , now thats a install, service might be different.
Normally I do my own work, but occasionally they will insist on coming out.
called back today and got the same deal, Friday is the soonest, i told them this was unacceptable, and they basically said "sorry"

Call a private installer and have them come out and fix your dish. Might cost you $50 -$100 but you'll have TV back. DirecTV 'might' even give you credit for the call, but I wouldn't bet on it.
No idea where in NJ the OP is, but if the winds were anything like the S Shore of Long Island got, the dish probably got knocked out of alignment & needs to be re-aligned!
I live on Long Island and I lost power from 9:28 PM Saturday the 13th (DVR) stopped recording and power restored the Sunday th 14th at approximately 7:00 PM. When the DVR came back on it just downloaded new information similar to a reset (red button behind door cover) or power off 15 seconds and then power back on. I did not have a downed wire issue as the power lines were connected to the main street which had power. The first house on my street was connected to the main street directly and did not loose power. The problem was the fuse for the power transformer on the line. It has failed 3 times in the last 20 years and my guess is that it was due to an overload. The normal time to fix this problem is 3 hours but as you can imagine the main emphasis was getting the broken power lines off the ground so no one will play with them! :D

I live in NJ as well and just had DTV installed on Friday. Never lost a signal during the entire storm this weekend - one of the worst storms in recent memory. I highly recommend a pole mount if possible.

Installer was local and awesome. PM me if you want their info.
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