I was torn with this one. I do think the CE program is making things better, but I also feel as if they need to start working on something better. The deciding factor is that I would probably have to pay to upgrade to the new one when it came out. LOL
I'd pass on the 622 but Directv does need to look for a new DVR. This was a hard vote to decide because there was not really an option for me. I feel that the CE program will make it better but not where it fully needs to be.
Directv does need to look for a new DVR. This was a hard vote to decide because there was not really an option for me. I feel that the CE program will make it better but not where it fully needs to be.
I feel the same which is why i voted it's time to move on to a new dvr. i think the ce program is great and will continue to push participation in it but there's only so much software can do for you when the hardware is limited in processing power. the only way these dvr's would perform better is if the programming was simplified but that would mean losing many features. so to me it's time to move on to something new and not a copy of a previous model with only more storage.
I picked the second option, even though I have not had any problems with my HR using the nationally released software. I picked it because I know it can be a little faster and realize that software updates can fix much of the slowness. Also, the CEs keep bring more features that I never thought I wanted.
I feel that DTVs HR series are very rock solid receivers. I have a HR20-700 from when they were lauched to my current HR21-PRO which i have had almost a year.Basically trouble free and still going strong.
Its a dissapointing piece of equipment IMO. And I have 2. Over 2 years of beta testing and CE's and still it is only 1/2 done. I have emailed D* to check on my commitment.
I always read these. Some are Funny, Like the ones that complain about the service, or the channels. Some people just don't understand EQUIPMENT review.
Currently 13-12 in favor of changing the DVR to something else.
3 feel the DVR is excellent and 9 feel CEs will resolve the issue for a total of 12
11 feel it is time for a new DVR and 2 feel TiVO is the only solution for a total of 13