????Trying to add an extra client to an HR54.
Can I deauthorize the server or will that not let the client work?
This wouldn't add or downgrade your current TV capability at all. If you deactivate a receiver and activate a receiver in place of it, there is no 'extra' client or additional TV being used. Moreover, as Jimbo states, an HR54 is the main Genie DVR and provides all info to the clients in order to work. Remember, the clients are NOT standalone receivers such as an HR54, HR24, or H25 for example. Therefore, you are not being clear on your request. Please elaborate, and include all receiver models for the sake of transparency.Trying to add an extra client to an HR54.
Can I deauthorize the server or will that not let the client work?
This wouldn't add or downgrade your current TV capability at all. If you deactivate a receiver and activate a receiver in place of it, there is no 'extra' client or additional TV being used. Moreover, as Jimbo states, an HR54 is the main Genie DVR and provides all info to the clients in order to work. Remember, the clients are NOT standalone receivers such as an HR54, HR24, or H25 for example. Therefore, you are not being clear on your request. Please elaborate, and include all receiver models for the sake of transparency.