I was a happy long term dish sub.... a dealer for awhile..... and only cancelled when dish raised the extra receiver fees from 5 bucks per box to $17. A overnite cash grab. I hate them for that! I had kept all my boxes connected to the phone line at all times. I owned all my boxes! So I cancelled and will NEVER have dish again!
It all worked out I bought lifetime tiovos and since cable cards are under 4 bucks per month, and comcast triple play is cheaper than what I was paying for dish alone for AEP dish actually forced me to save money I didnt bother getting the premium channels since we didnt watch them much
I was thrilled that how much better tivos were than dishes bug ridden boxes. My tivos go forever without a reboot or troubleshooting!
Now I would occasionally get a comeback to dish offer, every few months.
Now thru all this jen and me got divorced and I am now happily living with rose for over 3 years
However dish is haunting me. I am now getting at least one comeback offer in the mail nearly every day Rose is irritated most come addressed to my X jen
I am sick of being a mail handler for dish
For over the last month I have been writing the arrival date on the unopened offers and dropping them in big box which is now getting full
If dish is unable to end what I now consider harrasing mail I am taking this to the media. Solicting me is a complete waste for dish! It just irritates me and rose, causes more trash in the world, adds to global warming, and has become a hassle!
I have sent a registered return receipt letter to dish telling them to knock it off, called a bunch of times. and am now ready to take this to the media! I will say they have a almost endless assotment of offeres. None of which interest me in the least. Because of this harrasing mail I tell people to avoid dish!
Any advice would bbe greatly appreciated!
For anyone in pittsburgh you may be watching me on the news consumer section.....
I am REALLY SICK OF THIS! charge rip off extra receiver fees, lose customers forever! Dish must be in trouble desperate for subs. and incidently charging to return equiptement at end of lease no doubt makes people less likely to ever subscribe again
It all worked out I bought lifetime tiovos and since cable cards are under 4 bucks per month, and comcast triple play is cheaper than what I was paying for dish alone for AEP dish actually forced me to save money I didnt bother getting the premium channels since we didnt watch them much
I was thrilled that how much better tivos were than dishes bug ridden boxes. My tivos go forever without a reboot or troubleshooting!
Now I would occasionally get a comeback to dish offer, every few months.
Now thru all this jen and me got divorced and I am now happily living with rose for over 3 years
However dish is haunting me. I am now getting at least one comeback offer in the mail nearly every day Rose is irritated most come addressed to my X jen
I am sick of being a mail handler for dish
For over the last month I have been writing the arrival date on the unopened offers and dropping them in big box which is now getting full
If dish is unable to end what I now consider harrasing mail I am taking this to the media. Solicting me is a complete waste for dish! It just irritates me and rose, causes more trash in the world, adds to global warming, and has become a hassle!
I have sent a registered return receipt letter to dish telling them to knock it off, called a bunch of times. and am now ready to take this to the media! I will say they have a almost endless assotment of offeres. None of which interest me in the least. Because of this harrasing mail I tell people to avoid dish!
Any advice would bbe greatly appreciated!
For anyone in pittsburgh you may be watching me on the news consumer section.....
I am REALLY SICK OF THIS! charge rip off extra receiver fees, lose customers forever! Dish must be in trouble desperate for subs. and incidently charging to return equiptement at end of lease no doubt makes people less likely to ever subscribe again