Yes let's help the slow!!One more time for the slow.......
I know damn well steroids alone don't create a better ball player. Certain skill sets (hand/eye coordination, bat speed, etc are required to make it to the Bigs in the first place). I've said this a million times!
However, introduce 'Roids to an existing power hitter who was previously a "warning track hitter" and they are now a "home run hitter". Bigger muscles created by these performance enhancers are attributed to the spike in home runs. Bigger muscles allow them to hit more home runs. How else do you explain the spike in numbers during this era by power hitters?
Salsa, you tend to be dancing around the word "better". How you define it personally is up to you.
BTW, this whole argument started because of this very first statement by you claiming that Roids do nothing to enhance performance. By saying this, you're saying that 'Roids did not enhance a players ability to hit home runs!
So if any of these Juiced up hitters played in 80 games would they have hit 60 home runs? Or do they have a better chance of hitting 60 in a 162 game year? Barry was already hitting HOME RUNS!! He got upset and Jealous of all the hoopla people had for McGuire!! Even though people suspected McGuire of juicing most did not have a problem with it! I remember countless times people would say that stuff does not help he was always a great hitter.. Well being a life long A's fan he was good just would get hurt all the time. Then all of a sudden he could stay healthy??